BlackOpsMP Modloader(for skidrow update4) + Custom Classes & Killstreaks - DARK SLASH
NOTE: U need to have install Skidrow's update 1,2,3 & 4 to use this
1. unrar BlackOpsMP_offline_(nosteam)_with_Bots_for_update4.rar
2. copy & replace the BlackOpsMP.exe
3. create a folder named "players" in game's installation folder
4. place the config_mp.cfg in that folder
5. unrar BlackOps_Modsloader_for_Custom_Class_&_Killstreak_for_update4.rar to anywhere and run ItsModsloader.exe
6. run BlackOpsMP.exe and play
7. if u cant open the console, just go to option > Game > Enable Console and set it to " yes"
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