Portal 2 Update 3 Plus 3 Trainer-RazorDOX PC Crack free full download

 on Senin, 02 Mei 2011  

 General trainer information:

Make sure to run the trainer as administrator.
Before you are able to use any of the shown options below. You need
to press F12 first to enable the trainer.
Ingame hotkeys:
#    Hotkey           Option
       F12                 Enable Trainer
#    Hotkey          Option
1    F1                   Toggle Infinite Health
2    F2                   Toggle Super Speed
3    F3                   Save Position
3    F4                   Restore Position
Trainer notes:
F1 - Infinite Health
This option will give you an infinite amount of health.
F2 - Super Speed
This option will let you run around with the speed of light.
F3 - F4 Save / Restore Position
This option will give you a nice teleporting system.
Simply hit F3 to save your current position. Use
F4 to restore it back.

 Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Run the trainer from the desktop.
3. Start the game
4. Toggle desired Options on/off

Free download on link below:

Portal 2 Update 3 Plus 3 Trainer-RazorDOX PC Crack free full download 4.5 5 Unknown Senin, 02 Mei 2011   General trainer information: Make sure to run the trainer as administrator. Before you are able to use any of the shown options below. Yo...

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