Hmmm Alive Text to Speech 6.2 ini memiliki kemampuan untuk membaca teks yang kita tulis ataupun kita copy darimanapun... mmmm bahasa inggris ya tapinya.. hehehehee
Cocok banget buat temen-temen yang lagi belajar pengucapan kata (Pronoun) bahasa inggris... temen-temen juga bisa nulis apa aja sih, tapi dia ngomong nya jadi aneh.. hohohohoh
mmmm yang hebatnya dari software ini, bisa merekam dan mengconvert kata-kata tersebut baik ke ke Format Mp3,WMA, ataupun OGG... Wiw manceb kan? coba aja tulis temen-temen, terus save deh ke Mp3.. ehhehehe
Ayoooo dicobaaaaaaaaaa...
Key Features:
Download :
Installer + Patch Only :
Download Alive Text to Speech 6.1 + Patch Via MF (11 MB)
Password : dhizka
Patch Only :
Download Patch Alive Text to Speech 6.1 Via Ziddu (23 KB)
Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit)
Posted by Admin Okky
Ayoooo dicobaaaaaaaaaa...
Key Features:
- 1) Read text in any application, including Emails, web pages, news articles, PDF, Word or Excel Documents, etc.
- 2) Convert text to MP3, WAV, OGG, VOX files.
- 3) Convert text Files to MP3, WAV, OGG, VOX files.
- 4) Install Alive Text to Speech Toolbar in IE (Internet Explorer) Browser.
- 5) It is very simple and easy to use. Just right click on files in the Windows Explorer, select "Convert to MP3"(or WAV, OGG,VOX) and convert them using your predefined settings.
- 6) Command line supported.
- 7) Converting text to mp3 in batches.
- 8) Schedule converting support.
- 9) Microsoft text-to-speech engine.
- 10) High converting speed, wonderful output quality.
- 11) Windows Vista compatible.
Download :
Installer + Patch Only :
Download Alive Text to Speech 6.1 + Patch Via MF (11 MB)
Password : dhizka
Patch Only :
Download Patch Alive Text to Speech 6.1 Via Ziddu (23 KB)
Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit)
Posted by Admin Okky
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