Hmmmm dhizka punya software unik nih temen-temen, buat para pengguna android pasti udah pada tau nih.. hehhehehee
Yaappp dengan XUS PC Lock Ultimate 3.3.6 ini kita dapat mengunci PC kita dan untuk membuka nya dibutuhkan pattern yang ditentukan dari 9 titik yang ada.
Cocok banget nih buat temen-temen yang suka meninggalkan laptop/PC nya, baik itu lagi mendownload ataupun lagi menginstall
dan takut PC/Laptop nya dilihat-dilihat orang ataupun file-file nya dicuri...
Pada awwal kita harus menentukan dulu bagaimana pattern yang menjadi kuncinya, lalu ketika kita ingin jauh dari laptop/PC kita, kita tinggal mengklik XUS PC Lock Ultimate 3.3.6 ini deh.. heheehee
System Requirements: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7.0, 2008, 8.0 (32bit & 64bit)
* Anti Key-Logger. XUS Dynamic Password Technology makes your computer more secure.
* The funniest, most customizable way to lock your computer!
* Have 3 built-in patterns: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 you can choice.
* Locking and Unlocking animation effect.
* Be able to disconnect internet access when system is locked.
* Back up pattern feature.
* Auto-lock the computer when Windows startup or in idle mode.
* Set a timer to turn off monitor automatically.
* Show Time and Date on locked screen.
* Make your computer has Windows 8's lock feature.
* Alert if the incorrect pattern is entered a maximum times. Completely customizable.
* Custom background image, and lots of customization options for the look of the locked screen.
Download :
Installer + Keygen :
Download XUS PC Lock Ultimate 3.3.6 + Keygen Via MF (2 MB)
Pada awwal kita harus menentukan dulu bagaimana pattern yang menjadi kuncinya, lalu ketika kita ingin jauh dari laptop/PC kita, kita tinggal mengklik XUS PC Lock Ultimate 3.3.6 ini deh.. heheehee
System Requirements: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7.0, 2008, 8.0 (32bit & 64bit)
Benefits & Features - A new & fun way for you to lock your computer.
* Support Multiple Monitors.* Anti Key-Logger. XUS Dynamic Password Technology makes your computer more secure.
* The funniest, most customizable way to lock your computer!
* Have 3 built-in patterns: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 you can choice.
* Locking and Unlocking animation effect.
* Be able to disconnect internet access when system is locked.
* Back up pattern feature.
* Auto-lock the computer when Windows startup or in idle mode.
* Set a timer to turn off monitor automatically.
* Show Time and Date on locked screen.
* Make your computer has Windows 8's lock feature.
* Alert if the incorrect pattern is entered a maximum times. Completely customizable.
* Custom background image, and lots of customization options for the look of the locked screen.
Download :
Installer + Keygen :
Download XUS PC Lock Ultimate 3.3.6 + Keygen Via MF (2 MB)
Harus Diketik
Keygen Only :
Download Keygen XUS PC Lock Ultimate 3.3.6 Via MF (14 KB)
Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) Worked
Posted by Admin Okky
Keygen Only :
Download Keygen XUS PC Lock Ultimate 3.3.6 Via MF (14 KB)
Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) Worked
Posted by Admin Okky
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