WebcamMax + Patch & Keygen

 on Minggu, 02 September 2012  

Posting lagi ah sebelum tidur.. hohoho
Dulu kan dhizka udah pernah tuh share WebcamMax v7.5.4.8, sekarang dhizka akan share versi yang lebih baru nya lagi temen-temen.. Yaitu versi ini..
Kenapa sih harus WebcamMax Software ini memiliki banyak sekali efek pada webcam kita temen-temen, dari frame, asesoris, visual efek, dll. Cocok banget nih buat temen-temen yang doyan narsis foto-foto..
Yang lucu nya itu ada efek-efek yang bisa merubah muka kita, jadi penyoklah, jadi kaya lagi marah lah, banyak deh.. ayoo coba ajaa.. hoohoho


Key Features

  • Thousands of Fantastic Effects
    Thousands of cool effects for your live video chats and video recording. You can download limitless effects at
  • Video Recording
    Record your fantastic videos show with our cool effects to broadcast on YouTube or Facebook.
  • Virtual Webcam
    Share your video clips or desktop screen with family and friends through your Instant Messengers even without a real webcam.
  • Easy to Share
    Directly share your cool videos and photos with family or friends on Facebook. You can also upload and share your videos on Youtube.
  • Doodling and PinP
    Paint on the video box freely and directly. You can also broadcast different sources at the same time with Picture in Picture feature.
  • Work for All
    Work for almost all webcam programs such as Windows Live Messenger, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, Paltalk, Camfrog, YouTube, Ustream, JustinTV, and much more.

Minimum System Requirements:
  • Windows XP/Vista/7 32 dan 64 bit

Download :

Installer + Patch & Keygen :
Download WebcamMax + Patch & Keygen Via MF (28 MB)

Patch & Keygen Only :
Download Patch & KeygenWebcamMax Via MF (189 KB)

Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) Worked
Posted by Admin Okky

WebcamMax + Patch & Keygen 4.5 5 Unknown Minggu, 02 September 2012 Posting lagi ah sebelum tidur.. hohoho Dulu kan dhizka udah pernah tuh share WebcamMax v7.5.4.8, sekarang dhizka akan share versi yang lebi...

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