Steam Achievements
- A Hundred and Ten Percent - Buff 100 parts
- A Jolt From the Blue - Destroy 50 guns with Howitzer, Destroy 100 parts with Charged Rounds
- Above The Fray - Win 5 matches, Win 4 matches with fewer than 2 deaths
- Ahead Full - Win 8 CPs, Destroy 5 ships with ramming in CP
- Air Legs - Play 10 matches, Destroy 20 ships (crew), Shake 5 spots
- Altitude Adjustment - Spend 180 seconds using Hydrogen, Spend 90 seconds using Chute Vent
- Arms Race - Buff 50 parts, Buff 20 guns
- At The Wheel - Play 15 matches, Win 10 matches, Shake 10 spots
- Ballooning - Rebuild 10 balloons
- Balls Of Fire - Destroy 3 ships with Mortar, Destroy 50 parts with Incendiary Rounds
- Bang Bang - Fully repair 200 parts
- Bang-Up Job - Fully repair 100 parts with Mallet
- Battle Ready - Buff 100 parts (crew), Defend 20 points
- Before The Mast - Play 15 matches - Extinguish 50 fires - Spot 20 ships
- Behind The Lines - Win 10 matches with Squid, Capture 20 points with Squid
- Better Than New - Play 12 matches, Buff 30 parts, Fully repair 60 parts
- Blaze Of Glory - Play 30 matches, Set 1000 fires, Destroy 50 engines
- Blood and Gunsmoke - Destroy 20 balloons with Carronade, Destroy 50 ships with Lesmok Rounds
- Breached - Help rebuild 50 hull armor with 1 crewmate
- Buoyed Spirits - Win 20 DMs, Buff 50 balloons in DM
- Burn All The Things - Set 40 fires with Flamethrower, Set 80 fires with Incendiary Rounds
- Burning Skies - Extinguish 100 fires (crew), Set 100 fires (crew)
- Calamari - Win 20 matches, Destroy 50 Squids (crew)
- Charting A Course - Play 20 matches, Spend 180 seconds using Phoenix Claw, Destroy 40 ships (crew)
- Cleansing Fire - Destroy 100 parts with Flamethrower
- Containment - Extinguish 30 fires with Chemical Spray
- Cool Under Fire - Win 3 matches, Rebuild 30 parts
- Cruise Control - Fully repair 25 parts with Mallet
- Damage Control - Fully repair 5 hull armor with Mallet, Extinguish 3 fires on hull with Extinguisher
- Dead Stop - Win 4 CPs, Destroy 10 engines in CP
- Death Dealer - Win 12 CPs, Play 6 CPs with more than 6 kills
- Dog Watch - Play 10 matches, Spot 20 ships, Repair 20 guns
- Dogs With Bones - Defend 20 points
- Doom And Gloom - Win 10 matches on Water Hazard, Shake spot 40 times on Water Hazard
- Down But Not Out - Play 20 matches with fewer than 2 deaths, Fully repair 100 balloons
- Dowsed - Extinguish 50 fires with Chemical Spray
- Dust In The Wind - Play 8 matches on Dunes, Destroy 6 ships with ramming on Dunes
- Evasive Action - Win 12 CPs, Win 6 CPs with fewer than 2 deaths
- Fading Light - Win 10 matches on Water Hazard, Fully repair 50 parts while unspotted on Water Hazard
- Fan The Flames - Set 10 fires
- Fight Another Day - Win 15 matches, Play 5 matches with 3 more kills than deaths
- Fighting Fish - Win 10 matches with Goldfish, Destroy 20 ships with Goldfish (crew)
- Fire Fighter - Extinguish 20 fires with Extinguisher
- Fire Suppression - Win 8 DMs, Extinguish 50 fires on hull in DM
- Fireproof - Extinguish 20 fires on guns with Chemical Spray
- Fish In A Barrel - Win 10 matches, Destroy 20 hull armor on enemy Goldfish
- Flagbearer - Destroy 20 ships with a Flak (crew), Capture 30 points
- Flak Attack - Destroy 20 hull armor with Flak
- Flight Training - Spend 30 seconds using Phoenix Claw, Spend 30 seconds using Kerosene, Spend 30 seconds using Hydrogen
- Flying Fish - Win 10 matches, Fully repair 20 hull armor on Goldfish
- Flying High - Play 20 matches, Rebuild 50 hull armor, Buff 20 balloons
- Flying Machines - Buff 20 balloons, Extinguish 20 fires on balloon less than 10 seconds after they start
- Focused Fire - Spot 100 ships (crew), Destroy 50 spotted ships (crew)
- Forearmed - Win 4 DMs, Buff 20 guns in DM
- Forward Momentum - Play 20 matches, Rebuild 40 engines, Extinguish 60 fires on hull
- Found You - Spot 20 ships at distance of >1000m, Destroy 10 ships inside a cloud
- Give And Take - Win 15 matches, Play 5 matches with 3 more kills than deaths
- Gone Fishing - Win 10 matches, Destroy 20 Goldfish (crew)
- Good Dog - DM 4: Win 20 DMs, Destroy 50 parts with Carronade in DM (crew)
- Grit In Your Eye - Play 8 matches on Dunes, Destroy 50 guns on Dunes
- Gun Maintenance - Fully repair 100 guns
- Guns Blazing - Extinguish 30 fires on guns
- Hands Dirty - Rebuild 50 parts
- Hands On - Rebuild 40 parts with Spanner
- Have A Blast - Destroy 20 parts with Burst Ammo
- Helping Hand - Help rebuild 40 parts with 1 crewmate
- Hidden Treasure - Win 10 matches with Junker, Shake 20 spots with Junker
- Hit It With A Hammer - Fully repair 50 parts with Mallet
- Holding The Line - Play 20 matches, Destroy 40 ships (crew), Defend 20 points
- Hook, Line, And Sink 'Er - Harpoon 20 ships
- Hot Air - Repair 80 balloons
- Hot Stuff - Destroy 100 parts with Incendiary Rounds
- Inflammable - Win 8 CPs, Set 100 fires to balloon in CP
- Iron Clad - Win 30 matches, Fully repair 50 hull armor on Junkers
- Jerry-Rigged - Rebuild 20 hull armor with Spanner, Fully repair 40 engines
- Keep It Up - Help rebuild 50 balloons with 1 crewmate
- Keeping It Together - Rebuild 50 hull armor with Spanner, Rebuild 50 parts less than 10 seconds after they are destroyed
- Keeping The Heat On - Win 3 matches, Destroy 50 parts
- Kill Count - Win 5 matches, Play 3 matches with 5 or more kills
- Kill It With Fire - Destroy 50 parts with Flamethrower (crew), Destroy 50 parts with Incendiary Rounds (crew)
- Kill Streak - Win 15 matches, Play 5 matches with 3 more kills than deaths
- Killing Me Softly - Win 4 CPs, Destroy 30 parts in CP (crew)
- Kobayashi - Win 8 DMs, Destroy 50 ships in DM (crew)
- Kraken - Win 20 matches, Fully repair 50 hull armor on Squids
- Leaf On The Wind - Win 20 matches with <2 deaths, Shake 50 spots
- Lend A Hand - Help rebuild 40 parts with 1 crewmate
- Little Helpers - Help rebuild 50 parts with 1 crewmate
- Locked On Target - Spot 20 ships at a distance of more than 750m, Destroy 20 spotted ships
- Lost In The Fog - Play 10 matches on Water Hazard, Destroy 50 parts while unspotted on Water Hazard
- Makes You Stronger - Win 12 DMs, Play 6 DMs with fewer than 2 deaths
- Muscle - Help rebuild 100 parts with 1 crewmate
- Neutralization - Destroy 100 parts with Charged Rounds
- Newton's Law - Destroy 100 balloons
- Night Watch - Win 12 matches on Anglean, Spot 15 ships at a distance of more than 1000m on Anglean
- Notches - Win 12 DMs, Destroy 12 ships in DM
- Now You See Me - Shake 30 spots
- Oil Stains - Repair 150 non-gun parts
- On Deck - Play 2 matches, Repair 20 parts, Rebuild 6 parts
- On Point - Play 30 matches, Contest 10 points, Shake 30 spots
- On The Horizon - Win 4 DMs, Spot 10 ships at a distance of more then 1000m in DM (crew)
- On The Trigger's Edge - Play 15 matches, Set 30 fires, Spot 30 ships
- One Spark - Set 50 balloons on fire (crew)
- Onslaughter - Win 4 DMs, Destroy 20 hull armor in DM
- Out Of The Blue - Destroy 50 parts while unspotted
- Overloaded - Destroy 4 hull armor with Gatling, Destroy 30 parts with Greased Rounds
- Path Of Destruction - Win 25 matches, Play 20 matches with more than 3 kills
- Perceptual Filter - Spot 20 ships at a distance of >1000m, Spot 10 ships inside a cloud
- Permafrost - Win 12 matches on Anglean, Capture 30 points with Squid on Anglean
- Persistence of Vision - Spot 50 ships
- Piercing The Veil - Destroy 40 hull armor on a ship inside a cloud
- Pop 'Em And Drop 'Em - Play 12 matches, Destroy 12 balloons, Destroy 15 ships
- Process Of Elimination - Destroy 20 ships
- Pyrophobia - Extinguish 50 fires less than 5 seconds after they start
- Rain Of Fire - Set 100 parts on fire with Incendiary Rounds
- Ready to Fly - Play 2 matches, Destroy 20 parts (crew), Spend 10 seconds using helm skills
- Red Glare - Destroy 20 hull armor with Flak, Destroy 70 parts with Burst Rounds
- Reporting For Duty - Play 2 matches, Destroy 20 parts, Spot 3 ships
- Research And Development - Play 30 matches, Rebuild 40 guns, Buff 40 guns
- Rise Together - Help rebuild 50 balloons with 1 crewmate
- Run Aground - Help rebuild 50 balloons with 1 crewmate
- Rust And Dust - Play 8 matches on Scrap, Defend 8 points with Galleon on Scraps
- Sand In Your Boots - Win 8 matches on Dunes, Rebuild 40 hull armor on Dunes
- Scattershot - Destroy 1 balloon with Carronade, Destroy 20 parts with Burst Rounds
- Scrap Heap - Play 8 matches on Scrap, Destroy 20 ships on Scrap
- Scrap Metal - Win 30 matches - Destroy 50 Junkers (crew)
- Scratched Paint - Win 12 CPs, Play 6 CPs with fewer than 2 deaths
- Secret Project - Buff 100 parts while unspotted
- Ship Shape - Help rebuild 100 parts with 1 crewmate
- Shot In The Dark - Destroy 10 parts on an unspotted ship
- Silent Running - Destroy 30 parts while unspotted (crew)
- Sinking Feeling - Repair 80 balloons
- Situational Awareness - Spot 100 ships (crew), Destroy 30 ships inside a cloud (crew)
- Smoking Gun - Win 8 CPs, Extinguish 50 fires on guns in CP
- Sneak Attack - Destroy 100 parts while unspotted (crew)
- Sound The Alarm - Play 10 matches, Spot 10 ships, Extinguish 20 fires
- Speedster - Win 4 matches on Squid, Buff 20 engines on Squid
- Spit And Bailing Wire - Win 8 matches on Scrap, Buff 40 engines on Scrap
- Squish - Win 20 matches, Destroy 50 hull armor on enemy Squids
- Stalling For Time - Win 4 CPs, Rebuild 20 engines less then 15 seconds after they are destroyed in CP
- Staying Alive - Win 5 matches, Play 3 matches with fewer than 2 deaths
- Steering Clear - Win 3 matches, Destroy 80 parts (crew)
- Stem To Stern - Rebuild 20 engines with Spanner, Extinguish 5 fires less than 10 seconds after they start
- Still Alive - Win 25 matches, Win 5 matches with no deaths
- Suppression Fire - Win 8 DMs, Set 100 fires in DM
- Survival Of The Fiercest - Win 12 DMs, Win 6 DMs with fewer than 2 deaths
- Survival Skills - Win 25 matches, Play 5 matches with no deaths
- Sustained Fire - Destroy 80 parts with Heavy Clip
- Swimming In The Sky - Win 2 matches on Goldfish, Fully repair 60 parts on Goldfish
- Systems Status - Repair 150 parts with Mallet
- Take Cover - Spend 60 seconds inside a cloud
- Takedown - Win 20 DMs, Destroy 50 balloons in DM
- The Art Of War - Play 20 matches, Repair 40 guns, Destroy 60 balloons
- The Best Defense - Buff 20 guns, Repair 20 balloons less than 10 seconds after they are damaged
- The Good Stuff - Spend 90 seconds using Moonshine, Spend 90 seconds using Impact Bumpers
- Thick Skinned - Win 16 matches on Flayed, Fully repair 100 hull armor on Flayed
- Tin Can - Win 30 matches, Destroy 50 hull armor on Junkers
- To The Quick - Destroy 50 hull armor
- Tongue Lashing - Destroy 300 parts with Flamethrower (crew)
- Trading Blows - Repair 300 parts
- Uncharted Territory - Play 12 matches, Destroy 30 ships (crew), Capture 8 points
- Unscheduled Maintenance - Fully repair 50 guns with Wrench, Fully repair 20 parts while unspotted
- Uplift - Spot 20 ships at a distance of more than 750m
- Vigilance - Win 12 matches on Anglean, Spot 15 ships at a distance of more than 1000m on Anglean
- Weapons Free - Play 20 matches, Destroy 60 hull armor, Destroy 60 balloons
- White Whaler - Destroy 10 harpooned ships (crew)
- Workshopping - Rebuild 80 parts with Spanner
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