Here you can store the information about your Internet Service Provider, configure your LAN settings, or send your browser requests through a proxy server.
Searching for a Topic:
To search for a topic you can click on the search button and Internet Explorer will automatically take you to a Search Engine site where you can type in the key words you are looking for.
Search Information on Internet:
A website that provides you the feature to search information over the web known as SEARCH ENGINE e.g.; Yahoo, Google , Bing are the most popular search engines.
Popular Search Engines here...
Introduction to E-Mail:
Electronic mail, or e-mail is the most frequently used service on the internet for many reasons:
* You can send a message any time, any where and the recipient can read it at his or her convenience.
* You can send the same message to several people at the same time.
* You can forward information to coworkers without retyping it.
* You can save time. E-mail is fast, usually taking no more than a few minutes to be received.
* You can e-mail electronic documents and the recipients can then edit and return revised versions
* You can send messages around the world as easily as to co-workers in the next office.
How E-mail Works on the Internet:
* Lika a postal address, an e-mail address specifies the destination of an electronic message.
An Internet email address look like this:
username@domain name
The user name is a unique name that identifies the recipient.
* E-mail is sent and recived through electronic "post offices" known as email servers.
* To read your e-mail, yo must retrieve it from the mail server.
* Once you enter the address of the recipient, compose your message, and click Send, your e-mail softwarehandles the delivery.
* If the message isn't delivered, because of an incorrect address, for example, you typically receive an e-mail message explaining why.
E-mail provides a fast, economical and convenient way to send messages to family, friends, colleagues, and business organizations.
To read your email on a Web-based email site, you have to SIGN IN on the web site with a USER NAME & PASSWORD. This means you can use your browser -- or a browser anywhere in the world.
Hotmail, Yahoo & Gmail you may not have been the first Web-Based email sites, but both were certainly one of them to become so popular.
Now, most all f the search engines are offering free web-based email.
* (Free Web based E-mail service Provider)
* (Free Web based E-mail service Provider)
* (Free Web based E-mail service Provider)
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