Microsoft introduced following popular versions of Windows:
1. Windows 3.1
2. Windows 95
3. Windows 98
4. Windows 2000
5. Windows Me
6. Windows XP
7. Windows Vista
8. Windows 7
Windows VISTA:
Microsoft introduced Windows Vista to much fanfare. It represents an evolution from Windows XP Professional and includes many new features and system requrements. With those new features comes some new complexity - and combined with Microsoft Office 2007 - a new understanding of how everything works together. Vista is the biggest change in the GUI in years and learning some of the time saving techiques will help you be more productive with the new Operating System.
Windows VISTA helps youorganize all of the files and programs wihin your computer. Think of Windows as a large paper filing cabnit, you have hanging files labeled in a logical order. Within those hanging files, you have manila file folders that contain subsets of information. Windows allows you to accomplish the same system in an electronic format. You can open, sort, move print, rename, find or delete files easily. In addition to managing your files, folders, and applications, Windows has much more to offer.
What is Aero?
The AERO interface, which stands for Authentic, Energetic, Reflective, and Open, gives users a crisp new graphical user interface in Windows Vista.
Tha Windows Flip and Flip 3D options are only available under the AERO interface and allow for easier access to open information in you desktop. To see these functions in action, click the ALT + Tab key combination to shuffle through the Live thumbnails of your applications.
In addition to the Windows Flip, Windows Vista allows users to go through open windows in a 3D mode. The 3D flip mode activates using the Windows key + Tab.
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