on Rabu, 15 Mei 2013  

Submission of your blog's sitemap to search engines is very important as SEO point of view.
Like this, search engines always stay updated about your new articles/posts and sends their spiders for it to crawl them.There are 3 main search engines to which you should must submit your blog sitemap i.e Google, Yahoo and Bing. And in today's tutorial I'll show you how to submit your sitemap to Google.
In order to increase your blog traffic from search engines, you must consider submitting a sitemap to Google. For blogger blogs. it is very easy to generate a sitemap and send it to Google webmaster tools. If you have just started a new blog with then work on it and after posting some great content submit its sitemap to Google for indexation of all of your pages and content. Don’t be late on this, because you don’t know how important sitemaps are for Google crawler. And submitting sitemaps is also the part of Off-page SEO.
First Generate your Blog sitemap :
 For blogs less than 500 posts: 

If your blog has less than 500 posts, simply use the following sitemap


For Blogs less than 1000 posts. 

If it contains more than 500 posts but are less than 1000 so use these two sitemaps instead.


For blogs having less than 1500 posts.

If your blog has more more than 1000 posts but less than 1500 so you should use the following sitemap.


Submit Sitemap to Google:
I hope you do know about Google Web Master Tools. This tool enables Webmasters to provide better and detailed information of their site to Google. This will greatly help you in your SEO needs. Webmaster Tools allows you to submit your blog's sitemap so that Google gets a better idea of your blogs structure. Blogger’s robots.txt file automatically specifies a sitemap url [The Blog feed], but it would be even better if you manually add the sitemap urls to GWT. 

Wordpress and other Blogging platforms have some Sitemap 
generator plugins for the same. If you are using Blogger you can use your blog's atom.xml feed as your sitemap. 

Note: - If you have disabled Blog Feeds then enable it by going to Settings > Site Feed and change Allow Blog Feeds 
to Short or Full. (Don't set it to None)
1. Login to Google Web Master Tools with your Blogger account.

2. See if your Blog is already listed there, if it is listed and verified then click on the
 Blog nameand proceed to Step 5

3. If its not listed, Click on the Add a site button and provide your Blog url there and hit continue.

4. It will now ask you to verify your Blog using any of the two methods. You can use any of those.
The File upload method would be simpler.

A. File Upload Method – Change the
 Verification method to Upload an HTML File. Ignore the file download and upload instructions provided there. Google will automatically download and upload that file for you. So just ignore the instructions and hit the Verify button. Your Blog should get verified now. If it doesn’t then opt for the second method (b)

B. Meta Tag
 Verification method. Google will provide you a Meta Tag code which looks like

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="verificationkey" />

Copy this Code, login to your Blogger Dashboard navigate to Layout >Edit HTML and place this code somewhere above </head> Save the template, come back to GWT and hit the verify button.

5. Once your Blog is verified you can add sitemaps for your Blog [From the Left Pane > Site Configuration > Sitemap].In the sitemap url give the following url as shown in this screenshot and click the Submit Sitemap button

If you have more than 100 posts on your blog, then add an additional sitemap url


If your blog has more than 200 posts, then add one more sitemap url


If it has more than 300 posts, then add one more sitemap


Continue this process depending upon the number of posts on your Blog. So this means that you will be adding additional sitemaps for every 100 posts.

Once you have added the Sitemap, you can play around with the different other tools in GWT. It will provide you with a better analysis your site, show you the sites linking to you, and help you in managing your site links and much more.
2nd Method:
For this,
·         Go to Google Webmasters tools
·         Login their with your Gmail account
·         You will see the list of blogs that you have created.
·         Select the one for which you have generated the sitemap.
·         Now you will be in the dashboard, there select more under the sitemaps reports.
·         Next select the option Add/Test Sitemap towards the top right corner.
·         Now a box like this will appear.

·         And Enter the sitemap that you have generated earlier and click submit sitemap.

                                       That's it :)
After this ,Google may take up to 3 days to index and crawl every of your blog page and after 3 days you will see that all the urls that you have submitted through sitemaps are indexed by Google!
If you are encountering any problem in generating your sitemap or submitting it so kindly do let me know.I'll try best to sort out your problems.

SUBMIT BLOGGER SITEMAP TO GOOGLE WEBMASTER TOOLS HOW TO SUBMIT BLOGGER SITEMAP TO GOOGLE WEBMASTERS 4.5 5 Unknown Rabu, 15 Mei 2013 Submission of your   blog's sitemap   to search engines is very important as SEO point of view. Like this, search engines always stay up...

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