Final Warid & Ufone Report

 on Senin, 12 Agustus 2013  


Q1. In general, how do you feel about working here? Like it, feel motivated to do your best because company has your best interests at heart, just a job. Would leave if you could find a better job.

Mr.Khubaib Asim Khan Service Center In charge attended us, he was very pleased being the part of U Fone. He has been working since last 9 years. He is now governing Multan region and his experience in UFone is helping him a lot in his career development. HE along with his other co-worker is very motivated in terms of many monetary and non-monetary perks. At UFone as we have observed that most of the employees are quite satisfied reason is that UFone approach towards the employees is cooperative and their unique appraisal system; UFone performance appraisal system is very effective after every six months every body knows that what their score is. UFone is a performance oriented organization so they compensate their employees on the basis of their performance so every body know that if they show the results then the organization will compensate them good if not then they will never expect, And the UFone also adopted the Competitive approach for compensation, because of every employee know what the other organizations are paying for the same job and what they are getting is fair or not. This is why turn over rate in UFone’s employees is less as compared to other cellular companies. How ever turn over rate in engineering related jobs which are technical in nature their turn over rate is a bit high as their demand is quite high as compared to other administrative posts. Mr. Khubaib is very pleased with his career in UFone, he thinks he is getting competitive salary and perks.
Q2. How does your organization treat people?
UFone has this policy of not mentioning the name of the company in a job advertisement. Usually hiring takes place through outsourcing with a help of a third party. But Mostly internal hiring is preferred if any person is available otherwise above mentioned procedure is followed. Final selection takes place after the candidate has been interviewed by the Manager of the department who requires the new employee and then the HR Manager. A very effective way to retain an employee is to give him compensation and benefits. Employees at UFONE are divided into the following two major categories:
§  Permanent Employees (1700-2500 Approximately)
§  Outsourced Employees (2000 Approximately)

In Multan regional office there are 12 employees which belong to different fields including 3 ladies. All employees get certain benefits like:

§  Training & Development
§  Employee Motivation
§  Retention of Employees
§  Career Planning/ Succession Planning
§  Employee Relations/ Communication
§  Employee Awards
§  Employee Events Management
§  Medical & Life Insurance
According to regional manager UFone deal fairly with their employees, no gender, race, and cast discrimination is existing in their culture resulting in minimum turnover rate.

Q3. How committed do you think the organization is to you? Your career growth? Helping you do a good job? Providing you with security?
History of UFone reveals that UFone never layoff their any single employee from his post despite many economic and competitive crises. This shows the commitment level of organization with its employees. UFone is a career oriented organization as training and development program and performance evaluation of all the employees to see where the gap occurs between the actual performance and the desired performance. Then training is designed for area which needs to be improved. On the job and off the job both the trainings are given according to the need of the employee. While talking to career growth Mr. Khubaib said that their compensation strategies are usually market based and is linked with the performance with a greater emphasis on variable pay. Usually targets are given and according to that performance is evaluated mostly performances of teams are measured not individuals performance. The total returns which an employee gets against his or her work it includes:
§  Employee Health Plans
§  Employee Insurance
§  Employee Leave
§  Executive Compensation
§  Maternity Benefits
§  Pension & Retirement Plans
Wages & Salaries Salary adjustment is based on the performance, market movement and internal/ external equity adjustment. Revision of compensation is based on total pay and monetization of benefits. Job security in UFone is very high as no layoff yet is made in history of UFone.
Q4. Tell me what you like best about working for UFone. Least.
According to regional manager best thing which motivate him and his employees is that UFone’s policy about its employees, they never layoff any employee. Employees are compensated and trained that is why people love to work in UFone as their motto is:
“ Its All About U!!! ”

Q5. How is work distributed and carried out here? Who makes the decisions? How are
they made? Do you have an opportunity to provide input to how to improve work here?

The meeting of regional heads takes place on regular basis at their headquarter as well as in zonal and regional offices. Targets are set for each region after consultation and taking input from every regional manager who takes input from his office employees. At regional office regional manager perform management by walk he himself observe and tried to identify bottlenecks. If any employee is not producing desired or targeted output then regional manager consult with him and tried to resolve his/her problem i.e. more training, flexible timings and team. Strategic decision making is done in head quarter where decisions like advertisement campaign, budgeting and planning new services and tariffs are decided after getting necessary input from regional offices. Regional offices ensure that policies are properly implemented in their territories and proper follow up is taken.
Mr. Khubaib said that he gives his input frequently in the meetings. Same as he also calls meetings in his regional office in which his subordinates gives their suggestions as well as suggestions given by visitors/customers are evaluated.

Q6. How does the organization deal with work priorities?
Telecom sector is facing hyper competition, 5 years back UFone strategy was acquiring new subscribers by giving them attractive offers. But in year 2012 according to regional head UFone Multan now their focus is on customer retention by providing them after sale services. So, their main work priority is customer care centers efficiency and effectiveness. They proactively respond to the customer’s problems. When customer approached them they ensure that how customer is attended, served and satisfied or not. UFone Multan office offer comment card to the customers/visited in which their visit experience is asked. These comment cards are then posted to Manager Quality Assurance Customer Operation Department Plot 181-185, Sector 1-9/2 Islamabad. 

Q7. How is information shared within the organization? Do you get enough information
when you need it? Too much? Too late? What could be done to improve information flow here?

U-Fone is centralized in terms of its information management system. They are using a web based operating system in which information is gathered, processed and utilized. Each employee has access to his/her required data. There are certain web portals for communication of executives. Their information management system is efficient, flexible and readily available which makes employees more productive. However some employees are given on job training so that they may get real time experience of how to do a task. Where as other routine works are done through standardized methods whose information is given through training sessions. Mr. Khubaib suggests that UFone’s organizational structure is a bit centralized, if it could be made more flexible or decentralized then we may improve our organizational communication system.

Q8. What kinds of things get in the way of doing you doing your best work?

 Every person needs some motivational factors that peruse him/her to work as per his/her capacity. These factors could be monetary benefits and appreciation of ones work from the top.
Monetary benefits include incentives, bonuses, salary increment etc. Whereas non monetary factors include promotions, certification, job security etc.
According to Mr. Khubaib in U Fone, the organization is using both monetary and non monetary factors to motivate their employees. The company offers specific bonuses and salary increments to the employees who reach a specific performance level. While talking about non monetary incentives he told that the company considers a failure a learning experience and this is the reason that the turnover is very low in u Fone. i.e. job security is used as a motivational factor and enhances the creativity. Besides that the organization do has a Wall of Fame which contains the snaps of the employees with high performance. On Jan 29 (anniversary of Ufone). Employees who is working in Ufone for seven years or more then seven years gets Cash Rewards, Trophy, badges and other things. Conclusion of RM remarks was that the organization provides every employee with stimuli that encourages them and lead them to do their work in the best way they can.

 Q9. What would help you be more productive more motivated?
The main thing which motivates the employees is their reward system. And the team co-ordination also boasts the motivation level of employees. Their mistakes are taken as working experience which encourages employees to take bold steps and try new and innovative ways of doing things. Another thing is which really motivates the employees is their name and picture displayed on “Wall of Fame”. WOF is displayed in regional manager’s place where employee and his achievement is displayed.
The thing which motivates more to the employees is the monetary reward like annual bonuses and perks. These are open for all employees and awarded to those who perform extra ordinary. Regional manager suggest that it vary from employee to employee that which kind of tools are effective to motivate employees and increase their productivity some employees are motivated through monetary rewards where as others are motivated through recognition.

Q10. Do you feel part of the team here? If so, why? If not, what would it take to make you
feel more part of the team?
Most of the activities are performed through teams in the UFone; there is a strong team work culture in the organization. Teams are rewarded more as compared to the individual work because regional manager thinks that productivity and motivational level of team is far greater than individual performer.

Q11. Do you think that the managers are fair in their treatment of employees? Do they provide you with what you need to do your best work and feel motivated? Do they listen to your opinions?
There is a proper job analysis, recruitment and training, employee job appraisal and perks and rewards system. So, our regional manager thinks that UFone is fair in treating its employees. They are providing their employees with best available facilities in such competitive environment. Collections of salary and market data, it includes average salaries, inflation indicators, cost of living indicators, salary budget averages. UFone conducts its own market survey and match its standards with other telecommunication companies specifically with Mobilink and telenor.

The increments are totally based on the performance of the employees and their seniority level. If the scale is 15000-20000 then the increment is the 20% of the base pay, but if any employee shows the performance then this may increase up to 35% to 50%. The minimum salary for “Drivers” is Rs.7000 for “Tea Boys” it is Rs.6500, for Administrative Staff like HR, Finance, Marketing, etc it is Rs.20000 and for engineering it is Rs.20000 to 25000. Rs 2500 are given to female employees only, if they travel on local transport. Like all other cellular companies UFone also provides health insurance policy to its employees. At UFone loan insurance policy is also provided to their employees through banks.1 gross salary per year is given to each employee; half is given in mid of the year and remaining half will be given at the end of the year. All employees are entitle for the overtime more then 130 hours per month .For overtime UFONE have specific formula that apply on the employees gross salary, due to which every employee have different per hour overtime rate. The expense Claims are the expenses which an employee make on the behalf of the company E.g. fuel used for business travel, overnight stays on a business tour etc, such claim are made while returning back to the office , after the whole process the HR pay them back the next month along with their salary.

Employees are motivated and their opinions are valued and taken in to serious consideration resulting in increasing number of subscribers.

Q12. What do you think of the company policies? Are they administered fairly? What kind of improvements would you suggest in the policies?
Company policies which are made on top or headquarter level are fair enough that they fulfill stakes of all stakeholders. These policies are implemented in regional level and proper follow up is taken by superiors. For example there is a reward related to performance of the employees. For “Customer Facilitation Agents” there 50% pay is based on their performance which is assessing every month by their managers. For other employees like in administration, engineering, finance, marketing, etc their performance is assessed after every six and they get increased Rs.5000 in their salary as a reward. In each case employee have to show consistent performance to win reward next time.
Following is the suggestion which regional manager suggested that these should be considered by top management:

Ø  Pakistan Telecommunication authority has decided to stop MNP facility (Switching network) due to increasing use of cell phones in illegal activities. A new policy should be made to deal with this issue.

Q13.Do you understand the work goals and your roles in achieving them clear?
As UFone motto is “Its all about You ! ” so employees do their best in satisfying its broad customer base by using aggressive marketing strategy. Every employee is precious. He clearly knows his/her role in achieving organizational goal. Mr. Khubaib is clear about his role and responsibility as he governs sales and service center he thinks it is the key department from where organization can achieve its goals.


Warid Telecom
1. In general, how do you feel about working here? Like it, feel motivated to do your best because company has your best interests at heart, just a job. Would leave if you could find a better job.

The job satisfaction level of employees in Warid Telecom (Pvt) Ltd is high. Higher salaried class in the Warid Telecom (Pvt) Ltd are highly satisfied  from  their  job  as  compared  to  the  lower  salaried  classes. Few high experienced managers focus was on non monetary benefits such as self recognition, self respect while more employees want more monetary benefits as compared to other benefits due to economic conditions of Pakistan.  The  high  (above  PKR  100,000)  salaried  employees were  found  more  satisfied  as  compared  to  other categories. Overall satisfaction level was high among employees. However employees less than 3 year experience wants to avail better opportunity as compare to that job because they consider it is the right of every person to avail the better opportunity, While top management shows resistant to leave that job. Warid  telecom  has  organized  the  Organizational  Support  in logical  manner,  in  shape  of  incentives,  salaries,  recognition, promotions and entertainment etc.  People are  happy  and working best.
2. How does your organization treat people?
One of the best and main thing of Warid is that employees are considered as real and most precious asset of the organization. In Warid, there are equal employment opportunities as well as all employees are treated equally. There is no gender discrimination. Rules are here for everyone not just for lower employees. All employees work in a proper team. Every team has its own leader and worked is assigned to them accordingly. All employees are evaluated on same criteria, based on their performance, including their attendance, and report by their supervisor. They observe through electronic means, report by the supervisors and managers.  The  performance  is gauged  on  scoring  method  for  which  they  have  complete system  to  follow.  The report is compiled on monthly basis declaring “Champ of the Month” and then his/ her name is published in our News Letter. By this method no one can get extra favor. Every employee is recognized, treats with respect, breaks communication barriers and every feed back from employee is appraised by top management.  Warid have also made arrangements for entertainment for our best performing employees. On recommendations of the Heads of Departments, a team each is selected.  The performance based selected teams are taken for an excursion trips, entertaining events or outside the city. Warid have eight hours shift for all employees. In each shift, they  have  one  20  minutes  break  for  lunch  and  two  10 minutes  breaks  for  natural  calls  or  smoke  etc. Rest their working is observed on the screens by the managers. In/out timings are noted through the biometric scanners  while entering the office. They are not just treating employees well & equally but also providing them courage and motivational tools by these methods.
3. How committed do you think the organization is to you? Your career growth? Helping you do a good job? Providing you with security?

As I above also discussed ,one of the best and main thing of Warid is that employees are considered as real and most precious asset of the organization and its shows level of commitment of organization to employees. According to employees it is most exciting place for learning experiences, challenges, professionalism, and competencies by team leading skills, taking new responsibilities and by managing resources.  This organization is bringing integrity and unity by developing trust, making every step transparent, by sharing ideas, by encouraging and appreciating them. Warid is providing a good job to employees  it can be judged through the level of satisfaction. Warid is providing motivation through its warm and cooperative culture. According to manager, he will give advice to graduates who are honest and having aim to reach great heights in their careers because the company is very good in terms of learning and growth. He was very loyal and committed to this organization. Employee will remain secure here as well as he will show interest in his job. Warid is offering different types of incentives to their employees in order to retain them such as Handsome Commissions are paid on achieving targets by the employees. Team Top position is declared annually. Each member of the team is awarded Rs. 12000 PM in addition Individual position is declared as Top Position of the Year, or Champion of the Year who is also awarded Rs. 12000 PM for following year. Special raises are also given on performance basis for the employees producing constantly good results. These rates are not fixed and decided on performance of the individuals. Managers and many others get petrol for their cars/conveyance at different scales. All employees are given very low cost cell numbers with a limit that is never used optimum by them..

Q4. Tell me what you like best about working for Warid. Least.
The best thing of the company is their commitment shown for their employees. Company show courage and integrity for the employees which motivates the employees to work best in the interest of the company. Another main thing is their reward system which motivates the employees to work harder as the company based upon performance.
The team coordination and knowledge sharing among the team members also encourages the employees.  The company also encourages the creativity and innovation. It is taking failures into working experience so that employees are motivated

5. How is work distributed and carried out here? Who makes the decisions? How are they made? Do you have an opportunity to provide input to how to improve work here?
According to manager, high level decisions and policies are made by top management which are usually based on considering the competitive movers, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, past experiences, future considerations, and through research in the market. These decisions are made by with the mutual consent of CEO and Board of Director. Each department of country head then communicates his policies, targets, plans, budget to each provisional head, and then they communicate it to each Zonal and regional manager. Regional mangers transmit all policies, information to every team leader. It looks to be centralized but every team decides his own management style to perform these goals. Feed backs are also communicated through lower staff to upper management staff. According to manager, Team members represent their ideas, suggestions about achieving the goal to their Team leader. They have Just opportunity to improve their work in their team not too much opportunity to make top level decisions and policies. However, every feedback is appraised by Top management in order to generate more and more ideas from employees. They are improving the way of work by this purpose. In side Trainings and outside trainings are also provided in order to generate new skills and to be competitive in the market.

6. How does the organization deal with work priorities?
According to manger, at this time more focus is on
·         Providing Continually improved products & services
·         Reducing customer Complaints
·         Enhancing Customers
·         Retaining Customers
Last year, they also achieved award for less customer complains award. Warid achievement is that within 80 days of launching Warid Pakistan claims to have more than 1 million users.

7. How is information shared within the organization? Do you get enough information when you need it? Too much? Too late? What could be done to improve information flow here?
They are communicating and sharing knowledge & information’s through different portals such as customer invoice, wisdom.  The issue related to information was how to manage and store up to data  information’s because it will create bundle of new information’s for organization, would create difficulties to eliminate old, wrong and un useful data as well as difficulty for extracting the right information at right time. They have resolved this problem after implementing a huge investment in IT infrastructure such as latest software having different portals, Latest technology equipments, providing Black berry to their staff. Now they can communicate to each other by black berry services at any time. Video conferencing is also now possible that’s reducing outstations meetings, savings time & cost. Quick decision making is also possible by this fast retrieval infrastructure. They also categorized all information’s by making different portals on software. This categorization contributes a lot in order to facilitate customers as well as their internal administration. Customer complaints are surprisingly reduced by this categorization & fast retrieval system.

8. What kinds of things get in the way of doing you doing your best work?
There are some thing which motivates a person towards his job, or we can say some motivational stimulus is required to boast the performance of a person. These can be of any thing, in monetary or non-monetary terms. A mere appreciation is enough to boost up the performance of a person. Here in Warid, through both monitory and non monitory items and its culture are get in the way to best work   

9. What would help you be more productive, more motivated?
According to Manager, Life is all about experiences and learning. We can be more productive and motivated through proper trainings (that are usually held inside and outside city and country), through proper appreciation (monetary, non monetary items) and by team work. Any organization can lead to success by implementing these three points according to him. Here in Warid mistaken is not taken as a failure.

10. Do you feel part of the team here? If so, why? If not, what would it take to make you
feel more part of the team?

In Warid, all work is done in the shape of teams. Every team has its own leader and work is assigned to them accordingly. In response to our question manager replied “ Of course, I am part of team here. We all here are just like a body, without one part no one can perform it easily. According to him, Warid focus is on collectivism not on individualism. Everybody share his or her own experience after his field work or office work. It not only generates new and innovative ideas but also develop trust and mutual coordination. Here no one feels shy or hesitant in asking a question. There is knowledge sharing culture which is only achievable through team work not by individualism. 

11. Do you think that the managers are fair in their treatment of employees? Do they provide you with what you need to do your best work and feel motivated? Do they listen to your opinions?

Managers are fair in the process of treatment to employees. It is in the culture of Warid to give respect to others, listen to others, appreciating & understanding the employees. Warid have score system in order to evaluate the performance of employees. All employees are evaluated on same criteria, based on their performance, including their attendance, and report by their supervisor. They observe through electronic means, report by the supervisors and managers. The  performance  is based on  scoring  method  for  which  they  have  complete system  to  follow.  The report is compiled on monthly basis declaring “Champ of the Month” and then his/ her name is published in our News Letter. By this method no one can get extra favor. Every employee is recognized, treats with respect, breaks communication barriers and every feed back from employee is appraised by management. Team leaders know about the skills, abilities needed in different type of activities. Work is assigned to team members according to the nature & interest.  All employees motivated and courage through different tools and techniques. Every opinion of employee is listened and management always appreciates the feed back provided by employee. He/she is rewarded, if opinion is too much innovative and in interest of company.Even a lower staff member can also directly meet to higher management staff. This shows level of unity, integrity and employees motivation and satisfaction to Warid. 

12. What do you think of the company policies? Are they administered fairly? What kind of improvements would you suggest in the policies?

According to the manager, policies are made usually by top management. They just communicate these polices and we have to take follow up of these policies and decisions. According to manger, polices makers are very experienced and off course they develop it on reality base. In Warid everyone tries here to administrate each and every policy on fair bases .According to him top management should have to more focus on face to face marketing such as (special Market Teams for enhancing customers) as compare to TV ads, News etc.  

13. Do you understand the work goals and your roles in achieving them clearly?
According to him, no one can perform without knowing work goals, their task and their responsibilities. This session is cleared to employee in orientation stage. Every employee of this organization knows company Vision, Mission and their objectives and orientation is also held about new plans, new targets, and new project so everyone is clear about that. Knowing the responsibilities and goals is a backbone to achieve the targets. According to him, he is not only one in this organization but everyone is clear about goals and how to achieve them.

There is much closer competition in Telecom sector. We have chosen Warid and UFone for our project. As both companies are competitors to each other but still there culture, polices, and are much similar. Some of following similarities we have found during our visit to both organizations  
(Pvt) limited
(Pvt) limited
Service sector under PTA
Service sector under PTA
Focus on team work
Focus on team work
People & Task Oriented
People & Task Oriented
Same target Market
Same target Market
Competitive  salary & Perks
Competitive  salary & Perks
Hierarchical structure
Hierarchical structure
Collectivism approach
Collectivism approach
Moderate power distance
Moderate power distance
High Future oriented
High Future oriented
Facing Hyper competition in Market
Facing Hyper competition in Market
Monochronic Culture
Monochronic Culture
Market Segmentation same
Market Segmentation same
Equal employment opportunities based on merit
Equal employment opportunities based on merit
Marketing Mix same
Marketing Mix same
Polycentric approach
Polycentric approach
Low gender differentiation
Low gender differentiation
Value & Managing Diversity
Value & Managing Diversity
Transactional resolution
Transactional resolution
Communication Management system
Communication Management system
More responsive staff
More responsive staff

Both companies have hierarchical structure, decision making and policy making is made by top management then communicated to lower staffs. Both of companies have incentives& perks system, communication system as well as same market segmentation and marketing mix. Both have equal opportunity of employment with high future orientation and collectivism.


Satisfaction level high of all employees
High satisfaction level of only Top management
Aggressive marketing Strategy
Not Aggressive marketing Strategy
Customer Satisfaction
Enhancing customer and providing quality service
Congested  work environment in Multan
Relaxed worked environment
More females in Multan
Less females in Multan
Much focus  “on- job-training”
Much focus “out station training”
Most focus on Common customers
Most focus on business class
Market leader in service offering
Not Market leader still
Timing 09am-6pm
Timing 09am-05pm
Poor performer as per PTA
Award holder for reducing complain
2.5 crore users approx.
1.25 crore users approx.
Outsource calling centers
Calling centers under their ownership
1700-2500 permanent employee approx.
2200-2700 permanent employees approx.

Female staff of companies:

More female staff.(3 in regional office)
Less female staff  (only one in regional office)
No flexible work hours
No flexible work hours
No pick& drop service
Pick & Drop service
Maternity leave allow
Maternity leave allow
No gender discrimination
No gender discrimination
No day care centre
No day care centre
Monetary benefits on performance
Monetary benefits  on performance
Esteem to females
Esteem to females
Less in marketing field
Less in marketing field
Promotion on merit
Promotion on merit

QNO3    Certification
Valuing & Managing Diversity

Valuing & Managing diversity in Warid

HRM department always pay attention to get a diverse staff so the hiring criteria always prefer to hire diverse people to promote individual thinking.
o   Hire the Diverse staff
o   Plan for team building exercise.
People from different regions of Pakistan are employed on equal employment opportunities basis without any discrimination .Warid take different steps in managing diversity. Warid manage the diversity workshops to zonal and regional managers. Main motive of these classes is to encourage individual to come up with new ideas that gave benefits to the organization. Special funds are also allocated for the diversity programs. From last few years Warid plans for special funds allocation for diversity program, Finally after team building a diversity officer is allocated Regional manages all the issues and problems and also works as a middle man for those who can solve their issues by their own. Diversity manager provide an environment where everyone is free in his/her thoughts, continuously encouraging and motivating individuals to accomplish the desire one.

Valuing& Managing diversity in UFone:

UFone always “welcome” for the different people into the organization and celebrate the change that occurs. In UFone planning for the diversity is proactive they always look for the volunteer to do work in the organization and provide equal job opportunities without any discrimination.
Always go for volunteers. They think that current volunteers are essential for the organizational change they know better as compare to the new hired person to come up with diversity related issues. Here the gaps are identified. Diversity awareness trainings are conducted. Purpose of these trainings is to strengthen the factor of trust, foster good relationships, and eliminate discrimination. Almost at the end of every three months 6 weeks training program is conducted.
Ufone define the policies to value the diversity. Provide equal opportunity and affirming their identities with regard to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, class, etc and always changing structures, policies, and systems.
Top management is responsible to manage the issues related to the diversity, along these a special feedback system is established where any individual reports even for his top management, these issues are discussed by upper authority on monthly basis.
Cultural noise of Warid & UFone
Cultural noise is known as hinder to effective communication of intended meaning between people belonging to different cultures. Following are various sources of culture noise of both companies


Both the companies deals with various type of customers, some of them are less educated and some are highly qualified customers. The less uneducated customers usually don’t know about the culture of regional office and new machinery such as receiving token slips. It creates hesitation to new less educated customers, they also don’t know about different packages offered by companies, So for employees it is much difficult to convey them about packages details and they consume a lot of time.

 Language Difference:

 This kind of noise is usually faced by call center agents or customer service representatives. Most of the customers communicate in their native languages such as saraiki, Punjabi, pushto etc. Especially this occurs with urban people. So, it is also a main source of noise

Thought Patterns & Social Organization:

Many customers belong to different thought patterns and linked through different social contacts. It creates a good or bad impact for employees of both companies. They want to try explain them in details but different customers perceive it differently. It is also a main culture noise.

Non Verbal Communication:

Body language and different gestures of customers also a source of culture noise. A case happens with employee to serve a person who was not able to speak and hear. Some customers put much emphasis on Paralanguage (speech, tone and inflection of voice, other noises, laughing, yawning, and silence). Object language is also source of noise. People makes perception for their services by looking at their office space, building, architecture, office layout and furniture etc. If the furniture, temperature, lighting is not proper and traffic noise is interrupting then customers don’t like to stay more there.


Some people perceive female as a service representative is not good for society because they have to interact with a various types of people throughout the day.
However both companies are trying best in order to reduce culture noise by hiring different kind of staff experts of Multilanguage, training to existing employees in order to deal them, hiring a office representative in order to guide them, by improving communication skills of employees and through up to date infrastructure of offices.

Q: who makes decisions, reports to whom? Hierarchal, egalitarian or something else but exactly what form of reporting and decision making system in two organizations?
Both the companies are following same hierarchical systemStrategic decision making is done in head quarter where decisions like advertisement campaign, budgeting and planning new services and tariffs are decided after getting necessary input from regional offices. Regional offices ensure that policies are properly implemented in their territories and proper follow up is taken. According to manager, high level decisions and policies are made by top management which are usually based on considering the competitive movers, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, past experiences, future considerations, and through research in the market. These decisions are made by with the mutual consent of CEO and Board of Director. Each department head  of country then communicates his policies, targets, plans, budget to each provisional head, and then they communicate it to each Zonal and regional manager. Regional mangers transmit all policies, information to every team leader. It looks to be centralized but every team decides his own management style to perform these goals. Feed backs are also communicated through lower staff to upper management staff. Both are using such type of hierarchical structure. 

Final Warid & Ufone Report 4.5 5 Unknown Senin, 12 Agustus 2013                                  UFone Q1. In general, how do you feel about working here? Like it, feel motivated to do your best becaus...

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