Boot Camp +Drivers of Windows 8

 on Minggu, 29 September 2013  

Boot Camp for Windows 8

Mac users who would like to install and enjoy Windows 8 on Mac machines without going through driver issues can now download the newest version of Boot Camp drivers from Apple’s download page. The new Boot Camp should address issues with the trackpad on some MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models.
If you have no idea about Boot Camp, it’s an assistant software available on OS X Lion and Mountain Lion to help users easily partition the hard drive, prepare bootable Windows media, and then install Windows alongside your existing Mac.

According to the official Boot Camp support page, Boot Camp 5 adds support for Windows 8 (64-bit) and the new drivers support both Windows 7 (64-bit) and Windows 8 (64-bit). Unfortunately, Boot Camp 5 doesn’t support 32-bit Windows 7 and Windows 8.

So, Mac users have no option but to install 64-bit Windows using Boot Camp. However, the previous version (v4.0) of Boot Camp supports 32-bit Windows 7.

The support page also notes that Boot Camp supports upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8, provided that you install Boot Camp 5.0 drivers on your Windows 7 machine before upgrading to Windows 8. If your Mac comes with Fusion Drive, it turns out that Boot Camp Assistant will help you install Windows on hard disk drive, not the Flash drive even if you have sufficient free space. Also note that Boot Camp doesn’t support installing Windows on external hard drive.

Interested users can check out our step-by-step how to install Windows 8 on Mac guide to successfully install Windows 8 on your Mac. Once installed, you need to press and hold the Option (Alt) key while you start up your Mac to select your Windows operating system.

Boot Camp Windows 8

The download size of Boot Camp drivers (5.0.5033) is 553.62 MB and supports following Mac models:
  • MacBook Air, mid 2011 or later
  • MacBook Pro, mid 2010 or later (MacBook Pro 13 inch mid 2010 isn’t supported)
  • Mac Pro, early 2009 or later
  • Mac mini, mid 2011 or later
  • iMac, mid 2010 or later
Download Boot Camp Drivers

View the original article here

Boot Camp +Drivers of Windows 8 4.5 5 Unknown Minggu, 29 September 2013 Four months after the release of Windows 8, Apple has finally updated Boot Camp Assistant to add support for Windows 8. Yes, Boot Camp 5.0.5...

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