- Black Belt Hacking & Complete Hacking Book
- Hackers High School 13 Complete Hacking E-books
- Penentration Testing With Backtrack 5
- A Beginners Guide To Hacking Computer Systems
- Black Book of Viruses and Hacking
- Secrets of Super and Professional Hackers
- Dangerours Google Hacking Database and Attacks
- Internet Advanced Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack
- Computer Hacking & Malware Attacks for Dummies
- G-mail Advance Hacking Guides and Tutorials
- Vulnerability Exploit & website Hacking for Dummies
- Web App Hacking (Hackers Handbook)
- Security Crypting Networks and Hacking
- Botnets The Killer Web Applications Hacking
- Hacking attacks and Examples Test
- Network Hacking and Shadows Hacking Attacks
- Gray Hat Hacking and Complete Guide to Hacking
- Advance Hacking Exposed Tutorials
- 501 Website Hacking Secrets
- Internet Security Technology and Hacking
- CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide
- Advanced SQL Injection Hacking and Guide
- Web Hacking & Penetration testing
- OWASP Hacking Tutorials and Web App Protection
- CEH - Hacking Database Secrets and Exploit
- Ethical Hacking Value and Penetration testing
- Hack any Website, Complete Web App Hacking
- Beginners Hackers and tutorials
- Social Engineering (The Art of Human Hacking)
- Ethical Hacking Complete E-book for Beginners
- Backtrack : Advance Hacking tutorials
- SQL Injection attacks and tutorials by Exploit DB
- XSS + Vulnerability Exploitation & Website Hacking
- Ultimate Guide to Social Enginnering attacks
- White Hat Hacking complete guide to XSS Attacks
- Cross Site Scripting and Hacking Websites
- The Hackers Underground Handbook ( hack the system)
- Blind SQL Injection tutorials and Hacking
- Hacking Secrets Revealed
- Hacking Website Database and owning systems
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners
- Hacking Computer Systems and Tutorials
- Reverse Enginnering (The Real Hacking)
- Computer Hacking
- Hack your Friend using Backtrack
- Reverse Enginnering Hacking and Cracking
- Hack the System for beginners
- Hacking into Computer Systems
- Blind SQL Injection Discovery & Exploitation
Index of /data/tut
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
!Real Hacking Videos/ 21-Sep-2013 23:34 -
Assembly_Videos/ 21-Sep-2013 23:37 -
Backtrack Tutorials/ 21-Sep-2013 23:46 -
CareerAcademy_CEHVids/ 21-Sep-2013 23:54 -
Ethical_HackingV6/ 21-Sep-2013 23:02 -
Hack Training Video Course/ 22-Sep-2013 00:00 -
Hacking/ 22-Sep-2013 00:02 -
LenaReversingVideos/ 22-Sep-2013 00:02 -
MacProVideo Native Instruments 208 Maschine's Sampler Explored TUTORIAL.rar 14-Sep-2012 10:26 155M
MacProVideo.Native.Instruments.206.Massive.Essentials.part1.rar 14-Sep-2012 10:26 251M
MacProVideo.Native.Instruments.206.Massive.Essentials.part2.rar 14-Sep-2012 10:26 205M
MacProVideo.com Native Instruments 209 Maschine Masterclass TUTORIAL.rar 14-Sep-2012 10:26 260M
MasterTheDRUPAL.zip 14-Sep-2012 10:18 760M
Misc Hacking/ 22-Sep-2013 00:04 -
Native Instruments Traktor 3 Tutorial DVD.iso 14-Sep-2012 10:25 3.0G
Serious.Mixing.dvdrip.xvid.avi 14-Sep-2012 10:25 702M
Wiley-Malware.Analysts.Cookbook.and.DVD.2010.rar 14-Sep-2012 10:22 8.1M
c programming/ 14-Sep-2012 10:21 -
learnKey.Comptia.Security+ CD 1/ 22-Sep-2013 00:05 -
macProVideo.-.Music.Theory.102.Harmony.rar 14-Sep-2012 10:26 193M
open security training - videos/ 22-Sep-2013 00:10 -
Huge Collection of Ebooks for Hacking
Microsoft VBScript: Step by Step
Nessus, Snort, & Ethereal Power Tools
PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution - 25th Anniversary Edition
A Guide to Kernel Exploitation: Attacking the Core
Ubuntu: Powerful Hacks and Customizations
Seven Deadliest USB Attacks (Syngress Seven Deadliest Attacks Series)
Seven Deadliest Network Attacks (Syngress Seven Deadliest Attacks)
Botnets: The Killer Web App
DMT - The Spirit Molecule (Book)
Evil Genius books
Python programming books
[PDF] Computer Viruses for Dummies
1000 Hacker Tutorials
Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions, 5th Edition
[PDF] A Game of Thrones (Books 1-5)
[PDF] OReilly: Learning Android (2011)
Think Python
C++ Primer Plus [6th Edition]
Re: French books
A step-by-step guide to buildning databases, 2nd edition
Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, 6th edition
Enterprise JavaBeans, 4th edition
Java database best practices
Learning C# 3.0
Patterns of Enterprise - Application Architecture
Java Software Solutions - Foundations of Program Design, 4th Edition
Resistor values
Practical Malware Analysis
Re: BackTrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide
Re: Forrest Mims
Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers
Computer repair with diagnostic flowcharts
Windows Internals Part 1
Guide to Assembly Language - A Concise Introduction
Re: Learning C# 3.0
Re: PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
CCNA Explorer
Secrets of Network Cartography
Re: request ebook
Fighting in the Streets: A Manual of Urban Guerrilla Warfare
C for dummies
how not to program in c
Re: Secrets of Network Cartography
Nmap Network Scanning: The Official Nmap Project Guide
Bypassing Censorship
Nmap Cookbook
Cyber Security Essentials
Re: DMT - The Spirit Molecule (Book)
The Arch Handbook
Information Hiding
Android Application Development: Programming with the Google SDK
Malware Forensics Field Guide for Windows Systems
Practical Packet Analysis: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems
The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems
Practical Lock Picking: A Physical Penetration Tester's Training Guide
Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design
Electronics for Dummies
Hacking Exposed Series - nearly all the current books
Ruby by Example: Concepts and Code
Working With Unix Processes
Absolute C++, 5th Edition
Re: [Request] The Art of Assembly Language 2nd Edition
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (6th Edition)
[UPDATED]The Web Application Hackers Handbook
Re: The Web Application Hackers Handbook
Linux From Scratch
Linux Kernel Development
C Primer Plus (Mother Fucking Finally)
Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide
Network Forensics Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript
[RQ FILLED] The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and other books by him
Re: [REQUEST] The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and other books by him
Paulo Coelho (13 Books)
[RQ FILLED] The Electronics of Radio - David B. Rutledge
Shellcoder's Handbook plus two
Shell Scripting
Hacker magazines.
Networking For Dummies 7th Edition
How to Cheat at Everything
Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker
Starting out with C++: from control structures through objects. (PDF)
McGraw & Hill: Gray Hat Hacking: 2nd Edition
The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition
Linux Kernel Development (3rd Edition)
Healthy Lifestyle: Vital Living to 120!
VMware Cookbook, Second Edition: A Real-World Guide to Effective VMware Use
The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
Advanced Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments: Ultimate Guide
Application Security for the Android Platform
A Bug Hunter's Diary: A Guided Tour Through The Wilds Of Software Security
Unauthorized Access for penetration testers
Windows Internals, Part 2
Starting Out With C++
Breaking Into The Game Industry
Programming In Lua
XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example, Visual Basic Edition
Re: [Req ] Network Security First-Step
[RQ semi-Filled] The Analysis of Biological Data
[C++11]The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference, 2nd Edition
Premier Press - Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby
Premier Press - MUD Game Programming
CSS and Documents
The Roman Empire: Roots of Imperialism
Metasploit: The penetration testers guide
Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms
C++ Without Fear
Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook
Programming Many-Core Chips
Re: [REQUEST] Wired For War
Re: [REQUEST] Bored of the rings by Harvard lampoon and Henry Beard
Carlos Castaneda
Ebook :Beginning python from novice to professional
Ebook : Actionscript 3.0
Ebook:teach yourself javascript in 24 hours
Anarchy Cookbook 2000
Hacker's Delight
Hacking Exposed Wireless 2nd Edition
Re: Videogame Programming and Hacking EBooks collection
Nmap in the Enterprise. Your Guide to Network Scanning
Ebook: Hacker's Black Book (ENG/DEU)
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Inside Windows Debugging: A Practical Guide to Debugging and Tracing Strategies
Little Book of Ruby
wxPython in Action
wxPython-2.8 Application Development Cookbook - 2010
Daemon's Requests Filled
[skidiot.h] CISSP All-In-One Exam Guide - Shon Harris
[skidiot.h] Linux Bible 2010 Edition
[skidiot.h] High Probability Trading Strategies - Miner, Robert C
[skidiot.h] How to Make a Living Trading Foriegn Exchange
[skidiot.h] Making Money in Forex Trade Like a Pro Without Giving Up Your Day Jo
[skidiot.h] Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup)
C++ Primer ( 5 Edition-2012 )
Windows Command Line Administration
Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 6
The Hacker's Dictionary
Core Python Programming (2nd Edition)
Computer Forensics Investigating Data and Image Files
Computer Forensics Investigating Network Intrusions and CyberCrime
Computer Forensics Investigating Hard Disks File and Operating Systems
Corporate Computer Security (3rd Edition)
Cryptography and Network Security Principles (5th Edition)
Disappearing Cryptography (3rd edition)
The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical Hacking and Penetration T
Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition
Optimizing software in C++
20 hakin9 magazines - includes the hakin9 Bible
Penetration Testers Open Source Toolkit (3rd Edition)
Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Linux, Macintosh and Mobile Systems
Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Threats and Defense Mechanisms
Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Web Applications and Data Servers
Re: 20 hakin9 magazines - includes the hakin9 Bible
Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Attack Phases
Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Secure Network Infrastructures
Exploiting Software: How to Break Code
Buffer Overflow Attacks: Detect, Exploit, Prevent
Foundations of Cryptography: Volume 1, Basic Tools
Wireshark Network Analysis
Nuclear Matters Handbook
From SQL Injection to Shell
Writing Great Code: Volume One
Write Great Code: Volume Two
Wicked Cool Perl Scripts
Netcat Power Tools
Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers
A tiny pdf on aliens and the NSA
Re: 20 hakin9 magazines - includes the hakin9 Bible
Storm Lockpicking Guide [Official]
Unix In A Nutshell
Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hackers Handbook, 3rd Edition
Hack the Stack: Using Snort and Ethereal to Master The 8 Layers of An Insecure N
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws
Computer Forensics: Investigating Network Intrusions and Cyber Crime
Malicious Cryptography: Exposing Cryptovirology
CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional
Hacking Exposed Linux, 3rd Edition
Computer Security and Cryptography
Cracking Passwords Guide
Perl for beginners
Structured Programming with c++
Ruby Cookbook
Linux Assembly Programming
Thinking in c++
Maximum Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
Nmap 6: Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook
Professional Assembly Programming(Programmer to Programmer)
Refactoring: Ruby Edition
- 1000 Hacker Tutorials + some tools -
Re: Cracking Passwords Guide
Foundations of Python Network Programming Second Edition
Python Algorithms - Mastering basic algorithms in the python language
Hacking GMail
Make key generators
Nmap 6: Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja + Source Code
Let us C (yashwant kanetkar)
C++ How to program 8th edition
Microsoft Visual C# 2012 Step By Step
Persuasion Skills Black Book: Practical NLP Language Patterns
Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C
Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby
Computer Networks - 5th edition
Hacking the Human
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 10th Edition
Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux
Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture
Identifying Malicious Code Through Reverse Engineering
Malicious Cryptography Exposing Cryptovirology
Programming Your Home Automate with Arduino, Android, and Your Computer
Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets To Landing Your Next Job, 3rd Edition
8 General Education ebooks EPUB
Programming Scala: Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine
Java NIO
Java Web Services
The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Techniques for Everyday Use
Java 7 New Features Cookbook
Cryptography in C and C++ Second Edition
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer Study Guide
Expert Oracle and Java Security: Programming Secure Oracle Database Applications
Killer Game Programming in Java
Everyday Scripting with Ruby: For Teams, Testers, and You
How to Win Every Argument The Use and Abuse of Logic
The 200 Best Home Businesses: Easy To Start, Fun To Run, Highly Profitable
7 Weeks to 50 Pull-Ups: Strengthen and Sculpt
Firewalls And Networks How To Hack Into Remote Computers
How to Instantly Connect with Anyone - 96 All-New Little
Never Be Lied to Again: How to Get the Truth...
The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss
Java Network Programming, Third Edition
The Dark Visitor: Inside the World of Chinese Hackers
Thor's Microsoft Security Bible: A Collection of Practical Security Techniques
The Myths of Security: What the Computer Security Industry Doesn't Want You to K
The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense
MCITP Exam 70-646 Windows Server 2008 Administration eBook
Solving&design in C 7th ed, starting raspberry pi, working tcp sockets, kingpin:
The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses
Windows Sysinternals Administrator's Reference
Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code
The Book of Overclocking: Tweak Your PC to Unleash Its Power
The Immortals of Meluha
AR15 A2 Rifle Diagram
Army handgun and pistol training guide
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Thomas Paine's Common Sense
Championship Fighting: Explosive Punching and Aggressive Defense by Jack Dempsey
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition
Linux Networking Clearly Explained.
We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global
Re: Solving&design in C 7th ed, starting raspberry pi, working tcp sockets, kingpin:
iOS Hacker's Handbook
Illustrated TCP/IP
Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge
Re: [Request] Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes
Re: [Request] Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes
Hacktivism and Cyberwars: Rebels With a Cause?
Backtrack 5 Cookbook
Sonic Warfare: Sound, Affect and the Ecology of Fear
Introduction to 64 Bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for Linux
Eloquent Ruby
Cracking Drupal: A Drop in the Bucket
Foundations of modern cosmology
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python
Understanding Cryptography
Making Games with Python & Pygame
Windows Forensic Analysis
Cryptographic Security Architecture: Design and Verification
Learning Ruby
The Ruby Programming Language
Functional Programming for Java Developers
Understanding the Linux Kernel, Third Edition
CMS Security Handbook: Comprehensive Guide WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Plone
Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++
21st Century C
C in a Nutshell
C Programming Language (2nd Edition)
Think Fast! Accurate Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Planning in Minutes..
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently
Programming in C, 3rd Edition
[The KLF] The Manual: How to Have a Number One the Easy Way
Writing Security Tools And Exploits.
the deliberate dumbing down of america
Learn Windows PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunches
Network Hacks: Attack & Defense With Python
Re: Network Hacks: Attack & Defense With Python
Re: Network Hacks: Attack & Defense With Python
Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty
Coding for Penetration Testers
The Database Hacker's Handbook
Cryptology Unlocked
Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
The Rise of the Fourth Reich
A.Hitler - Mein Kampf - (My Struggle)
Digital Fortress - Dan Brown PDF
[PDF] Halo Collection - All Books
Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought
Hacking/Exploiting/Cheating in Online Games
Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Massively Distributed Systems
Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code
Reversing APK files
Android Apps for Absolute Beginners - 2nd Edition 2012
Android Apps with Eclipse
C: The Complete Reference, 4th Ed
Hello Android,3rd Edition
Instant Wireshark Starter
Mastering algorithms with C
Advanced Android 4 Games
Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets
Functional C
Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation
The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 1
Re: P.J. Plauger - The Standard C Library
File System Forensic Analysis
Starting Out with Python, Second Edition
Microsoft System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection Cookbook
Security Power Tools - O'Reilly Media
Instant Burp Suite Starter
Instant Firebug Starter
Instant Netcat Starter
Firebug 1.5: Editing, Debugging, and Monitoring Web Pages
Windows PowerShell 3.0 Step by Step
SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, 2nd Edition
Programming PHP, 3rd Edition
Re: The secret of Hacking 1st Edition
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Langua
Re: The secret of Hacking 1st Edition
"A Byte Of Python" By, Swaroop C H
Re: "A Byte Of Python" By, Swaroop C H
PIC Microcontrollers: 50 Projects for Beginners & Experts
Binary An Encrypted to Cipher Bridge Sho - Carolyn McCray
Hack THis-24 IncredIble Hackerspace projects from tHe dIY movement
XDA Developers' Android Hacker's Toolkit
Fast and slow thinking
The Art of Assembly Language
The Lord of Rings -complete- plus movie screen plays and bonus!
Counter Hack Reloaded, Second Edition
The Laws of Cryptography with Java Code
Game Development and cipher hacking in Python.
[PDF] Spy & counter-Spy
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python
Invent your own games with python
Hack Proofing Your Identity
[Ebook] Blackhatonomic
[Ebook]Syngress Data Hiding
BT5 cookbook
inferno-dan brown
Re: inferno-dan brown
JavaScript Step by Step, 2nd Edition
[Ebook]The Art Of Assembly Langauge 2nd Editition.
[Ebook]Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering
[HTML] Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
[Ebook] Hack the Stack
[Ebook] XSS Attacks - Exploits And Defense
[Ebook]Silence On The Wire - A Field Guide To Passive Reconnaissance And Indirec
detecting malice
Exploiting Software: How to Break Code
Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel
Malware Analyst Cookbook
[PDF] Defense against the Black Art
Designing BSD Rootkits
Web Application Defender's Cookbook: Battling Hackers and Protecting Users
Hacker Disassembling Uncovered
Hacking Web Apps: Detecting and Preventing Web Application Security Problems
The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs
Re: C++ collection
Pyomo - Optimization Modeling in Python
Re: C++ collection
Re: C++ collection
CODE, by Petzold
Java How to Program (Early Objects) 9e
Anti-Reverse Engineering Resource Collection
Linux 101 Hacks, 2nd Edition
The Python Standard Library by Example.
Re: Can anyone please provide "powershell toolmaking in a month of lunches" ebook..
[NSA] Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research
Re: Corporate Computer Security (3rd Edition)
Android Security: Attacks and Defenses
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 3rd Edition
Hacking a Terror Network - The Silent Threat of Covert Channels
Phishing Exposed
Hack Proofing Your Network (Second Edition)
Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the Linux Shell
O'reilly Regular Expression Pocket Reference
Hacking VoIP: Protocols, Attacks and Countermeasures
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers - 2nd Edition
Security for Wireless Implantable Medical Devices
Computer Security: Art and Science
Information security and anti forensics
The DHCP Handbook
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking by Keith Devlin
Oreilly - Building the Perfect PC, 3rd Edition
Re: Request: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking by Keith Devlin
Simple Steps to Data Encryption
Unity iOS Game Development
Re: Unity iOS Game Development
Rapid gui development with QT and python
Hacking Exposed Windows: Windws Security Secrets & Solutions 3rd edition.
Inside A Hacker's Playbook
CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming
Learn Java for Android Development, 2nd edition
Android Forensics
Lucid Dreaming - Stephan LaBerge
The Healthy Programmer
97 things every programmer should know
Re: [request] Microprocessor 8085
Re: [request] Trigonometry by McKeague, seventh edition
Re: [request] Comptia Network+ study guide
Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python
Re: Book Needed : The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Application
Re: Book Needed : The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Application
programming project ideas (Martyr2's Mega Project)
[Download] Assembly Language for x86 processors (Sixth edition)
The Complete Bastard Operator from Hell
Handbook of Applied Cryptography - University of Waterloo
BSD UNIX Toolbox - 1000+ Commands for FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD Power Users
UNIX TOOLBOX 2008 [Unix/Linux/BSD Commands]
Practical Anonymity: Hiding in Plain Sight Online
FreeBSD Command Reference
Puzzle Encryption Algorithm - Goswell Security Laboratory
Browser Uniqueness: An EFF Article
CLR via C# 3rd edition
OpenGL Development Cookbook
The Practice of Network Security Monitoring
Re: (Request) How to Study as a Mathematics Major By Lara Alcock
Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Re: TutsPlus Premium eBooks Collection (2012 Updated!)
Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools
Re: Java eBooks Collection (2007-2013)
Re: C/C++ Programming eBooks Collection
The Basics of Web Hacking: Tools and Techniques to Attack the Web
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation Live CD(Part 1)
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation Live CD(Part 2)
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation Live CD(Part 3)
Building Websites For Return On Investment - 16.1 MB
Building Wordpress Themes From Scratch (2012) - 7.2 MB
Client Centric Web Design - 41.5 MB [Part 1] [Part 2]
CSS Essentials (2012) - 6.0 MB
Decoding HTML5 (2012) - 10.7 MB
Digging Into Wordpress 3.3.1 + Source (2012) - 26.0 MB
From Photoshop To HTML + Source (2010) - 30.7 MB [Part 1] [Part 2]
Get Going With Google AdWords (2011) - 5.1 MB
Getting Good With Git (2010) - 3.1 MB
Getting Good With JavaScript + Source (2011) - 1.7 MB
Getting Good With PHP (2012) - 2.6 MB
Getting The Hang Of Web Typography (2011) - 10.8 MB
Getting To Know SEO (2012) - 817 KB
How to Be a Rockstar Wordpress Designer 2 + Source (2011) - 3.7 MB
How To Build A Successful Blog Business (2010) - 7.9 MB
How To Create Selling eCommerce Websites (2010) - 16.1 MB
How To Write Great Copy For The Web (2010) - 6.8 MB
LinkedIn and Lovin it (2011) - 6.8 MB
Mastering CSS for Web Developers (2011) - 10.0 MB
Mastering jQuery (2011) - 1.3 MB
Mastering Photoshop For Web Design (2010) - 10.0 MB
Mastering Photoshop for Web Design Vol - 2 (2011) - 12.7 MB
Mastering Wordpress - Advance Techniques (2011) - 4.4 MB
Professional Web Design (2010) - 2.3 MB
Professional Web Design Vol.2 (2011) - 18.8 MB
Psychology Of Web Design (2012) - 11.1 MB
Responsive Design (2012) - 6.4 MB
Rockstar Business - 1.2 MB
Rockstar Wordpress Designer (2010) - 22.6 MB
Scalable And Modular Architecture For CSS - 963 KB
Successful Facebook Marketing (2011) - 6.6 MB
The Node Beginner Book (2012) - 4.2 MB
Theme Tumblr Like a Pro + Source (2010) - 9.5 MB
Twitter Up Your Business (2009) - 3.3 MB
User Experience Design (2012) - 4.8 MB
Web Design Confidential (2012) - 20.1 MB
Wordpress Essentials - Techniques For Beginners (2011) - 3.7 MB
Finance For Freelancer (2012) - 2.3 MB
Freelance Confidential (2011) - 7.1 MB
How To Be A Rockstar Freelancer (2007) - 834 KB
Successful Freelancing (2010) - 4.0 MB
The Freelance Statistics Report (2008) - 1.2 MB
The Unlimited Freelancer (2009) - 1.1 MB
Mobile Development:
Designing For Android (2012) - 7.3 MB
Designing For iPhone (2012) - 9.5 MB
Essentials Of Mobile Design (2012) - 6.6 MB
iPhone App Entrepreneur (2010) - 12.1 MB
Mobile Design For iPhone And iPad (2010) - 16.1 MB
Mobile Design Patterns (2012) - 4.0 MB
Addison-Wesley C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition 2011 PDF Source Code - 5.9 MB
Addison-Wesley C++ Primer, 5th Edition 2012 - 49.6 MB [Part 1] [Part 2]
Addison-Wesley The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition Jun 2013 - 6 1 MB
Addison-Wesley The C++ Standard Library, 2nd Edition 2012 - 6.1 MB
Apress Beginning C, 5th Edition 2013 EPUB - 4.3 MB
Apress Beginning C, 5th Edition 2013 PDF - 3.2 MB
Apress Cryptography in C and C++ 2001 - 3.6 MB
C Language Reference Manual, 5th Edition 2003 - 496 KB
Course Technology An Introduction to Programming With C++, 6th Edition D. Zak 2011 - 5.8 MB
Course Technology Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, 3rd Edition 2011 - 3.2 MB
Course Technology C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 5th Edition D.S. Malik 2011 - 5.2 MB
Course Technology C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 6th Edition D.S.Malik 2013 - 4.8 MB
Course Technology C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 6th Edition D.S. Malik 2013 - 13.2 MB
Course Technology C Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 2nd Edition 2008 - 2.2 MB
Deitel C++ How to Program, 8th Edition 2012 - 51.5 MB [Part 1] [Part 2]
Deitel C How To Program, 6th Edition 2010+Web Files+Source Code - 16.0 MB
Expert C Programming Deep C Secrets - 2.1 MB
Jumping Into C++ Alex Allain + Source Code - 4.0 MB
McGraw-Hill C++ The Complete Reference, 4th Edition 2003 - 2.3 MB
McGraw-Hill C The Complete Reference, 4th Edition 2000 - 3.0 MB
McGraw-Hill C++ A Beginners Guide, 2nd Edition Herbert Schildt 2003 +Source Code+Answers+Corrections - 9.7 MB
McGraw-Hill C++ Demystified A Self-Teaching Guide 2004 - 2.6 MB
McGraw-Hill Herb Schildts C++ Programming Cookbook 2008 - 1.8 MB
McGraw-Hill The Art Of C++ Herb Schildts 2004 - 1.1 MB
O'Reilly C++ Cookbook 2005 - 946 KB
O'Reilly Mastering Algorithms with C 1999 - 2.5 MB
O'Reilly Practical C Programming 3rd Edition 1997 - 5.9 MB
O'Reilly Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ 1999 - 957 KB
O'Reilly Secure Programming Cookbook For C And C++ 2003 - 1.4 MB
Packt Publishing Boost Asio C++ Network Programming 2013 - 3.6 MB
Pearson Absolute C++, 5th Edition Walter Savitch 2012 - 3.8 MB
Pearson Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 7th Edition 2013-Jeri R Hanly-Elliot B Koffman - 5.2 MB
Pearson Problem Solving with C++, 7th Edition Walter Savitch 2009 - 3.3 MB
Prentice-Hall Data Structures and Program Design in C++ 2000 - 11.6 MB
Prentice-Hall C++ Without Fear A Beginners Guide, 2nd Edition 2011 - 3.1 MB
Prentice-Hall The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition 1988 - 19.2 MB
Que Publishing C++ by Example 1992 - 2.5 MB
Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days, 6th Edition 2003 - 3.1 MB
Sams Publishing Advanced C 1992 - 2.7 MB
Sams Teach Yourself C++ In One Hour A Day, 7th Edition 2011 - 4.4 MB
Sams Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours - 621 KB
Wiley Beginning Programming with C++ For Dummies 2010 - 53.4 MB [Part 1] [Part 2]
Wiley C++ All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies, 2nd Edition 2009 - 5.9 MB
Wiley C++ For Dummies, 6th Edition 2009 - 1.6 MB
Wiley C++ Timesaving Techniques for Dummies 2005 - 4.4 MB
Wiley C For Dummies 2004 - 2.5 MB
Addison-Wesley Building Java Programs A Back To Basics Approach (2011)
Addison-Wesley Effective Java, 2nd Edition (2008)
Addison-Wesley The Java EE 6 Tutorial, 4th Edition (2011)
Apress Beginning EJB3 Java EE 7 Edition, 2nd Edition (2013)
Apress Beginning Java EE 7 (2013)
Apress Expert Oracle and Java Security Programming Secure Oracle Database Applications with Java (2011)
Apress Java 7 for Absolute Beginners (2012)
Apress Java EE 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach (2013)
Apress JavaFX 2 0 Introduction by Example (2011)
Apress Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer Exams 1Z0-804 and 1Z0-805 (2013)
Apress Pro Java 7 NIO.2 (2011)
Apress Pro Java ME Apps (2011)
Apress Pro JavaFX 2 A Definitive Guide to Rich Clients with Java Technology (2012) [Part 1] [Part 2]
Course Technology Java Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 5th Edition - D.S. Malik (2012)
Course Technology Java Programming, 6th Edition - Joyce Farrel (2012)
CRC Press Secure Java For Web Development (2011) - Doesn't exist on the link provided by the OP.
Deitel Developer Series Java For Programmers, 2nd Edition (2012)
Deitel Java How to Program Early Objects, 9th Edition (2012)
Manning Effective Unit Testing A Guide For Java Developers (2013)
Manning OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Certification Guide (2013)
Manning The Well-Grounded Java Developer (2013)
McGraw Hill The Art Of Java (2004)
McGraw-Hill An Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming With Java, 5th Edition (2010)
Oracle Press Java The Complete Reference, 8th Edition - Herbert Schildt (2011) [Part 1] [Part 2]
O'Reilly Functional Programming for Java Developers (2011)
O'Reilly Java 7 Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition (2013)
O'Reilly Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition 2004
O'Reilly Java The Good Parts (2010)
O'Reilly Java Web Services Up and Running (2009)
O'Reilly JavaMail API (2013)
O'Reilly Learning Java, 4th Edition (2013)
Packt Publishing Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook (2012)
Packt Publishing Java 7 New Features Cookbook (2012)
Packt Publishing Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Study Guide (2012)
Pearson Absolute Java, 5th Edition Walter Savitch (2012)
Pearson Starting Out With Java From Control Structures Through Objects, 5th Edition (2013) [Part 1] [Part 2]
Prentice-Hall Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition (2013)
Prentice-Hall Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition (2013) [Part 1] [Part 2]
Prentice-Hall Introduction to Java Programming Brief Version, 8th Edition - Y.Daniel Liang (2011)
Prentice-Hall Introduction to Java Programming Brief Version, 9th Edition - Y.Daniel Liang (2013)
Prentice-Hall Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version, 8th Edition - Y.Daniel Liang (2011)
Prentice-Hall Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version, 9th Edition - Y.Daniel Liang (2013)
Prentice-Hall Java An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming 6th Edition - Walter Savitch (2012)
Sams Java Phrasebook (2007)
Sams Teach Yourself Java 6 in 21 Days, 5th Edition (2007)
Sams Teach Yourself Java In 24 Hours, 6th Edition (2012)
Springer An Introduction To Network Programming Using Java, 3rd Edition (2013)
Springer Guide to Web Development with Java (2012)
Wiley Beginning Programming With Java For Dummies, 3rd Edition (2012)
Wiley Java and Mac OS X Developer Reference (2010) [Part 1] [Part 2]
Wiley Java Concepts for Java 5 and 6 5th Ed
Wiley Java For Dummies, 5th Edition (2011)
Wrox Press Ivor Horton's Beginning Java Java 7 Edition (2011) [Part 1] [Part 2]
Wrox Press Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer (2011)
The Python Tutorial
A+, Network+, Security+ Exams in a Nutshell
Algorithms in a Nutshell
C++ in a Nutshell
C# 5.0 in a Nutshell
J2ME in a Nutshell
Linux in a Nutshell 6th Edition
Python in a Nutshell 2nd Edition
Paul Ekman Books (Emotions Revealed and Telling Lies)
Capitalism and Freedom
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare
PHP in a Nutshell
Web design in a Nutshell 3rd Edition
Ruby in a Nutshell
The D Programming Language
PCs AiO for Dummies 6th Edition
Hacking Raspberry Pi
Programming Spiders, Bots and Aggregators in Java
SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys
The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition
The Way to Go: A Thorough Introduction to the Go Programming Language
An Introduction To Reverse Engineering for Beginners
Javascript - step by step, 3th Edition
Head First - Wordpress
Head First - Python
Head First - HTML with CSS & XHTML
Head First - Programming
Head First - Ajax [Part 1] >> [Part 2]
Head First - C# [Part 1] >> [Part 2]
Head First - C [Part 1] >> [Part 2]
Head First - Android Development [Part 1] >> [Part 2]
Head First - Design Patterns
Head First - Excel
Head First - HTML5 Programming [Part 1] >> [Part 2] >> [Part 3]
Head First - Networking
Head First - iPhone Development
Head First - Statistics
Head First - Rails
Python and HDF5
iOS 7 Programming Fundamentals
iOS 7 Programming Cookbook [Part 1] >> [Part 2]
Elementary Differential Equations 10th Ed
Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel
Hacking Vim 7.2
vi and Vim Editors Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
Learning the vi and Vim Edtors, 7th Edition
Apress Beginning Blender
Beginners Guide to Blender Game Engine
The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics
Twisted Network Programming
Course Name | Type | Coordinators | Institute | Available | |
Artificial Intelligence(Prof.P.Dasgupta) | Video | Prof. P. Dasgupta | IIT Kharagpur | Course contents | |
CAD for VLSI Design II | Web | Prof. V. Kamakoti Prof. Shankar Balachandran | IIT Madras | Course contents | |
Computational Geometry | Video | Prof. Sandeep Sen | IIT Delhi | Course contents | |
Computer Architecture | Video | Prof. Anshul Kumar | IIT Delhi | Course contents | |
Computer Networks | Web | Prof. Hema A Murthy | IIT Madras | Course contents | |
Computer Organization | Video | Prof. S. Raman | IIT Madras | Course contents | |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms | Video | Prof. Sundar Viswanathan Prof. Ajit A Diwan Prof. Abhiram G Ranade | IIT Bombay | Course contents | |
Electronic Design Automation | Video | Prof. Indranil Sengupta | IIT Kharagpur | Course contents | |
Logic for CS | Video | Prof. S. Arun Kumar | IIT Delhi | Course contents | |
Principles of Communication | Web | Prof. Hema A Murthy | IIT Madras | Course contents | |
Programming and Data Structure | Video | Dr. P.P.Chakraborty | IIT Kharagpur | Course contents | |
Artificial Intelligence | Video | Prof. S. Sarkar Prof. Anupam Basu | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Artificial Intelligence | Web | Prof. P. Mitra Prof. S. Sarkar | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Biometrics | Video | Prof. Phalguni Gupta | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
CAD for VLSI Design I | Web | Prof. V. Kamakoti Prof. Shankar Balachandran | IIT Madras | Syllabus Course contents | |
Compiler Design | Web | Prof. Sanjeev K Aggarwal | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Compiler Design | Video | Prof. Y.N. Srikanth | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computational Number Theory & Cryptography | Web | Dr. Pinaki Mitra | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computer Algorithms - 2 | Video | Prof. Shashank K. Mehta | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computer Graphics | Web | Prof. Prem K Kalra | IIT Delhi | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computer Graphics | Video | Prof. Sukhendu Das | IIT Madras | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computer Networks | Web | Prof. Ajit Pal | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computer Networks | Video | Prof. Sujoy Ghosh | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computer Organisation and Architecture | Web | Prof. Bhaskaran Raman | IIT Bombay | Syllabus Course contents | |
Computer Organization and Architecture | Web | Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus Course contents | |
Cryptography and Network Security | Video | Dr. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Data Communication | Video | Prof. Ajit Pal | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Data Communications | Web | Prof. H.S. Jamadagni | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Data Structures And Algorithms | Video | Prof. Naveen Garg | IIT Delhi | Syllabus Course contents | |
Data Structures and Program Methodology | Web | Dr. Pradip K Das Dr. S.V. Rao | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus Course contents | |
Database Design | Video | Dr. S. Srinath Prof. D. Janaki Ram | IIIT Bangalore IIT Madras | Syllabus Course contents | |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms | Web | Prof. Sundar Viswanathan Prof. Ajit A Diwan Prof. Abhiram G Ranade | IIT Bombay | Syllabus Course contents | |
Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Circuits | Video | Dr. Santosh Biswas Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus Course contents | |
Digital Image Processing | Web | Dr. G. Harit | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Digital Systems | Web | Prof. N.J. Rao | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Discrete Mathematical Structures | Video | Prof. Kamala Krithivasan | IIT Madras | Syllabus Course contents | |
Distributed Computing Systems | Web | Prof. Ananthanarayana V.S | NITK | Syllabus Course contents | |
Graph Theory | Video | Dr. L. Sunil Chandran | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
High Performance Computer Architecture | Video | Prof. Ajit Pal | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
High Performance Computing | Video | Prof. Mathew Jacob | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Human-Computer Interaction | Web | Pradeep P Yammiyavar Dr.Samit Bhattacharya | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus Course contents | |
Indexing and Searching Techniques in Databases | Web | Dr. Arnab Bhattacharya | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Internet Technology | Video | Prof. Indranil Sengupta | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Introduction to Computer Graphics | Video | Prof. Prem K Kalra | IIT Delhi | Syllabus Course contents | |
Introduction to Database Systems and Design | Web | Prof. P.Sreenivasa Kumar | IIT Madras | Syllabus Course contents | |
Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming | Web | Prof. S. Arun Kumar | IIT Delhi | Syllabus Course contents | |
Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming | Video | Prof. D. Gupta | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Low Power VLSI Circuits & Systems | Video | Prof. Ajit Pal | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers | Web | Prof. Krishna Kumar | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Natural Language Processing | Video | Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya | IIT Bombay | Syllabus Course contents | |
Numerical Optimization | Video | Dr. Shirish K. Shevade | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Operating Systems | Web | Prof. P.C.P. Bhatt | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Parallel Computer Architecture | Web | Dr. Mainak Chaudhuri | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Parallel Computing | Video | Dr. Subodh Kumar | IIT Delhi | ||
Pattern Recognition | Web | Prof. V. Susheela Devi Prof. M. Narasimha Murty | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems | Video | Prof. Krishna Moorthy Sivalingam | IIT Madras | Syllabus Course contents | |
Principles of Programming Languages | Video | Prof. S. Arun Kumar | IIT Delhi | Syllabus Course contents | |
Program Optimization for Multi-core Architectures | Web | Prof. Rajat Moona Dr. Mainak Chaudhuri Prof. Sanjeev K Aggarwal | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Real Time Systems | Video | Prof. Rajib Mall | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Real Time Systems | Web | Prof. Rajib Mall | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
Software Engineering | Video | Prof. N.L. Sarda Prof. Umesh Bellur Prof. Rushikesh K Joshi | IIT Bombay | Syllabus Course contents | |
Software Engineering | Web | Prof. Rajib Mall | IIT Kharagpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
System Analysis and Design | Video | Prof. V. Rajaraman | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
System Analysis and Design | Web | Prof. V. Rajaraman | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus Course contents | |
Theory of Automata and Formal Languages | Web | Dr. Diganta Goswami | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus Course contents | |
Theory of Automata, Formal Languages and Computation | Video | Prof. Kamala Krithivasan | IIT Madras | Syllabus Course contents | |
Theory of Computation | Video | Prof. Somenath Biswas | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus Course contents | |
VLSI Design Verification and Test | Web | Dr. Santosh Biswas Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus Course contents | |
Advanced Computer Graphics | Video | Prof. C. Sharat | IIT Bombay | Syllabus only | |
Bioinformatics | Web | Prof. Harish Karnick Dr. Arnab Bhattacharya Prof. Somenath Biswas | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus only | |
Combinatorics | Video | Dr. L. Sunil Chandran | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus only | |
Computer Security and Cryptography - I | Video | Prof. Bernard Menezes | IIT Bombay | Syllabus only | |
Game Theory | Video | Prof. Y. Narahari | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus only | |
Introduction to Cognitive Science | Video | Prof. Amitabha Mukerjee | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus only | |
Introduction To Optimization | Web | Prof. Keshava Prasad Halemane | NITK | Syllabus only | |
Introduction to Programming | Video | Prof. C. Sharat | IIT Bombay | Syllabus only | |
Object Computing | Web | Dr. R. Nadarajan | PSG College of Technology | Syllabus only | |
Object Computing | Video | Dr. R. Nadarajan | PSG College of Technology | Syllabus only | |
Parallel Algorithms | Video | Prof. R. Seethalakshmi Dr. N. Sairam | SASTRA University | Syllabus only | |
Pattern Recognition | Video | Prof. Sukhendu Das Prof. C.A. Murthy | IIT Madras Indian Statistical Institute | Syllabus only | |
Principles of Compiler Design | Video | Prof. Y.N. Srikanth | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus only | |
Riemann Hypothesis and its Applications | Video | Prof. Manindra Agrawal | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus only | |
Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithms | Web | Dr. Sushanta Karmakar | IIT Guwahati | Syllabus only | |
Software Architecture and Design | Web | Prof. T.V. Prabhakar | IIT Kanpur | Syllabus only | |
Storage Systems | Video | Dr. K. Gopinath | IISc Bangalore | Syllabus only | |
Video Hacking Tut Collection
Index of /avi
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
Defcon17Badge.avi 01-Aug-2009 00:38 11M
Demolition.avi 29-Mar-2009 13:36 287M
Ep. 10 - Hacking Bas..> 17-Sep-2007 16:59 33M
Ep. 20 - Ettercap.avi 03-Aug-2008 14:04 317M
Ep. 21 - Xss Tunnel.avi 22-Aug-2008 00:29 133M
Ep. 22 - Playstation..> 14-Oct-2008 00:54 269M
Ep. 23 - Cracking WE..> 10-Dec-2008 19:07 112M
Ep. 24 - Bypass Hots..> 14-Jul-2009 17:28 195M
Ep. 3 - Wireless Hac..> 14-Jun-2007 00:40 18M
Ep. 5 - Lockpicking ..> 14-Jul-2007 18:15 42M
Ep. 6 - Phone Phreak..> 24-Jul-2007 01:49 73M
Ep. 7 - Phone Phreak..> 24-Jul-2007 19:52 21M
Ep. 8 - Lock Picking..> 30-Aug-2007 00:27 37M
Ep. 9 - Lock Picking..> 06-Sep-2007 20:39 58M
IEFD Ep. 2 - Wireles..> 14-Jun-2007 00:25 29M
IEFD ep. 1 - Network..> 08-Jun-2007 03:04 59M
MarianG Wordpress So..> 16-Jun-2009 02:37 4.8M
Patchy's Top 5 DOS G..> 18-Jan-2009 20:09 337M
Round Robin - 1st Ma..> 29-Mar-2009 19:06 179M
Round Robin - 2nd Ma..> 29-Mar-2009 20:00 264M
Round Robin - 3rd Ma..> 29-Mar-2009 20:38 216M
Round Robin - 4th Ma..> 29-Mar-2009 21:01 112M
Round Robin - 5th Ma..> 29-Mar-2009 21:25 128M
Round Robin - 6th Ma..> 29-Mar-2009 22:01 200M
Round Robin - 7th Ma..> 29-Mar-2009 22:25 187M
Tournament.avi 29-Mar-2009 17:07 864M
Underground 02 - Met..> 19-Jul-2008 23:35 123M
Underground 03 - App..> 29-Jul-2008 22:23 14M
Underground 04 - Win..> 05-Aug-2008 19:19 29M
Underground 05 - Pas..> 12-Aug-2008 21:04 63M
Underground 06 - Com..> 04-Sep-2008 08:34 18M
Underground 07 -Mani..> 21-Sep-2008 20:44 8.8M
Underground 08 - Tro..> 15-Oct-2008 21:31 45M
Underground 09 - Evi..> 20-Oct-2008 21:38 32M
Underground 10 - Dow..> 28-Oct-2008 22:21 40M
Underground 11 - Dow..> 07-Nov-2008 14:16 156M
Underground 12 - Hom..> 22-Nov-2008 22:34 56M
Underground 13 - Fix..> 04-Dec-2008 20:48 24M
Underground 14 - VMW..> 14-Dec-2008 22:28 21M
Underground 15 - Blu..> 26-Feb-2009 16:29 98M
Underground 16 - Win..> 25-May-2009 20:39 25M
Underground 17 - Loc..> 27-May-2009 20:03 22M
Underground 18 - Alt..> 30-Jun-2009 19:18 27M
Underground 19 - CSR..> 14-Aug-2009 21:12 42M
Underground 20 - Int..> 14-Aug-2009 23:06 27M
Vblog - Arduino Arp ..> 09-Jun-2009 12:52 62M
Vblog - Beer Pong Ta..> 08-Aug-2008 21:50 139M
Vblog - Bypass Cisco..> 10-Sep-2008 21:19 28M
Vblog - DNS Spoof Vi..> 24-Oct-2008 13:44 61M
Vblog - Deep Freeze.avi 23-Jan-2009 13:55 55M
Vblog - Email Inject..> 01-Jun-2009 17:27 50M
Vblog - Extracting D..> 09-Aug-2009 15:45 64M
Vblog - FPGA MD5 Cra..> 16-Jun-2009 15:29 135M
Vblog - Install BT3.avi 14-Nov-2008 13:39 34M
Vblog - My Computer.avi 04-Jun-2009 20:42 146M
Vblog - Ping of Deat..> 06-Mar-2009 12:23 72M
Vblog - Updates.avi 01-Jun-2009 17:40 44M
Index of /t4y/Tuts 4 You - Collection 2011/
CrackMe/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
CrackMe Solutions/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Crypto Libraries/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Crypto Tools/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Immunity Debugger/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Interactive Disassembler/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Keygen Source/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Olly Debugger/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Reversing Tools/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Reversing for Newbies/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Tutorials/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
UnPackMe Collection/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Unpacking Tutorials/ 11-Jan-2012 20:39 -
Tuts 4 You - Collection 2011.md5 11-Jan-2012 21:18 125690
readme.txt 11-Jan-2012 21:18 808
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