Minimize your Files Size with FileMinimizerSuite7.0

 on Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013  

FileMinimizerSuite7.0: Sending files over the internet is a little tedious thing when it comes to send large files having lot of space on the Hard disk. Fileminimizersuite7.0 is an awesome software which do minimizing your file about 90% according to its software developers. This software does not change the content but only reduces its size so it can be send easier through internet. However FileMinimizerSuite7.0 supports certain file formats to be compressed or minimized following are those supported file formats. 

Supported File Formats in FileMinimizerSuite7.0

  1.  PDF.
  2. JPG, PNG and TIFF.
  3. Excel documents
  4. Microsoft word documents.
  5. Lotus notes.
  6. Notepad Notes.
  7. Zip.
  8. Powerpoint documents.
  9. High compressing capability
  10. Minimum system requirements.
  11. 100% free on our blog
Download Fileminimizersuite7.0 for Free

Minimize your Files Size with FileMinimizerSuite7.0 4.5 5 Unknown Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013 FileMinimizerSuite7.0 :   Sending files over the internet is a little tedious thing when it comes to send large files having lot of space on...

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