Most Interesting Facebook Tricks To Surprise Your Friends

 on Selasa, 03 Desember 2013  

Facebook is an online world where people can discover new things, friends and do so many interesting stuff. As the world largest social networking site, facebook is a place to do lots of experiment and discover hidden tricks. In this post, i shall be listing out 5+ interesting facebook tricks that you don’t know.

Facebook tricks by tekytechFacebook Tricks To Surprise Your Friends

1. Use Your Profile Pic As Emotion

This trick lets you use your facebook profile picture as an emotion symbol in chat, messages and status updates. You can apply this trick by using [[your username]]. Replace “your username” with yours e.g. [[jerrypalz]] and your profile picture will be rescaled to the size of an emotion sign, view the image below.

2. Change The Color Of Your Status Update Text To Blue

The default facebook status update text color is black, but you can customized yours to be blue by using this code/trick @@[1:[0:1 type your status update ]]. Replace the italics text with your status updated and all is done, your updated status will be blue (in color). It’s as easy as that.

3. Make Your Profile Picture Un-clickable

This is one of the easiest facebook trick, it doesn’t require any code, just settings. Facebook made your profile pic clickable by default so that people can view large version of your image, but if you want to prevent that (viewing larger version of your profile pic) you can make your profile pic un-clickable.
To make your facebook profile picture un-clickable, move to your Timeline – Photos – Albums – Profile pictures – Select your current profile picture – change the privacy from “Public” To “Only me”, your profile becomes un-clickable but you can still make it clickable by changing the privacy back to “Public”.

4. Post A Blank Status Update

Be default, facebook doesn’t allow users post blank statuses, you have to at least type a dot or text before your status can be updated. Here is a trick code to use in posting blank status updates. In your status box, type @[0:0 ] and then update. That’s it, your status update will be blank.

5. Turn Your Status Updated Upside Down

To easily post upside-down status updates, move to All you have to do is type your status update on the first box provided and this website will turn it upside down, then copy the upside-down status provided at the second box, post in your facebook wall and updated.

6. Appear Offline For Some Specific Friends

Almost every facebook user knows how to appear offline to all friends but only few know how to do that for some specific friends. Follow the steps below to appear offline for some friends.
  • Click on chat settings (gear symbol) on the chat sidebar
  • Select “Turn off chat” to appear offline to all friends
  • Click “Advanced settings”
  • Turn on chat for friends you want to appear online to (as shown on the image below). That’s all.
These are the facebook tricks i find very interesting. If you’ve discovered a new facebook trick, drop it in comment and let’s see how interesting it is. Ensure that your facebook friends read this post.

Most Interesting Facebook Tricks To Surprise Your Friends 4.5 5 Unknown Selasa, 03 Desember 2013 Facebook is an online world where people can discover new things, friends and do so many interesting stuff. As the world largest social netw...

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