Facebook for Every Phone 3.2.1 free Downloads from Software World

 on Senin, 20 Januari 2014  

Facebook for Every Phone 3.2.1

Facebook for Every PhoneFacebook is the best social network popular site in every country. Now Facebook user is getter than 100 core. So, you understand that Facebook is the important site. But Facebook not only for computer or laptop or notebook, now Facebook use every phone. Every phone 3.2.1 browser for android, java 2 me, iphone, ipad etc. This contents every phone 3.2.1 Version browser for Java Mobile phone.
This app is very nice. This app is working very easy and interesting. I am also use this app. Now some option is describe bellow...

News Feed

You can use this option for every friend status and her news. You can use this option for your status publishing every friend. 


You can use this option for chat your all friends with personally. This is private system in the Facebook massaging.
Friends Request
This option is very useful and very important. That requests a friend who will invite your friends you accept or conform this request. In other word you can not now.


This option is very useful for Facebook browsing. You know who your friend request accept, who your status like and comment, who your page like, who your group join, who your post share etc. You know any more information such who tagged you.


This option are use for holyday, friends birthday, any important day etc. This option are you use for any gift birthday.


You can upload you real photo and tagging with this option. So, It’s very important and interesting.


You see your profile easily clicking with this option.


Your Group are now situated this option. You can status your group with this group page. You can increase your group member this option.


You can use this option for your page or like page etc.


You can search your friend or your page.
Find Friend
You can send 10 friend requests with this option.


You can use your font size small, big or biggest. You can logout bellow logout bottom’s click.

Recent changes

Now includes photo filters


Facebook for Every Phone 3.2.1 free Downloads from Software World 4.5 5 Unknown Senin, 20 Januari 2014 Facebook for Every Phone 3.2.1 Facebook is the best social network popular site in every country. Now Facebook user is getter than 100 core...

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