It is possible and it is easy. This way of hacking into email. I have tried the method. Looking for alternate ways to Hack Gmail account, why not give a try to Fake Gmail Hacker tool, read how to use Gmail Hacker tool to Hack Gmail accounts The easiest and smartest way of hacking someone's Gmail account is by using smart phishing techniques
Sending Mail
You know how to read the mail in your Inbox with your own programs, it’s time to move on to replying to those mails by sending your own messages.
Sending Mail with Gmail SMTP
The first thing to remember is that Gmail provides its own SMTP server. This offers two major features. First, you can use the SMTP server from your own e-mail application, which is a great help if you’re traveling and your usual e-mail provider is unreachable. The second use is that every single scripting language you might have a desire to use has standard SMTP support available as a library, and the support for TLS encryption, which you need to connect to Gmail, is being added apace. First, though, the settings you’ll need:
- Server name:smtp.google.com
- Username: yourgmailname@gmail.com
- Password:Your Gmail password
- Security:Yes, using TLS
One thing to note about this technique is that Gmail will rewrite your e-mail headers. It replaces the From: and Reply-to: lines with your Gmail address because Gmail also automatically adds the so-called Domain Keys to their outgoing e-mails, allowing spam-hit system administrators to block fake Gmail mail fromtheir servers. Without the Domain Keys this wouldn’t work, but Gmail can’t send mail with a different From: or Reply-to: addresswithout breaking the Domain Key.
Using the SMTP Server Programmatically If you want to talk directly to the SMTP server instead of using the APIs featured in the rest of this chapter, then you will need to use a library that can deal with TLS encryption. There is no standard module to do this within Perl or PHP at the time of this writing, but Python users can use the standard smtplib, which comes with the Python distribution.
Sending Mail with Perl
The Mail::Webmail::Gmail module encapsulates mail sending in one single function, send_message. The basic method to send a message is:
to => ‘user@domain.com’,
subject => ‘Test Message’,
msgbody => ‘This is a test.’
To send to multiple addresses, you can use an arrayref containing all of the
my $email_addrs = [
‘user3@domain.com’, ];
to => $email_addrs,
subject => ‘Test Message’,
msgbody => ‘This is a test.’
You may also send mail using cc: and bcc:
to => $email_addrs,
cc=> $cc_email_addrs,
subject => ‘Test Message’,
msgbody => ‘This is a test.’
Listing 10-1 shows a small script, using the Mail::Webmail::Gmail module and
the Utils.pm code introduced in Chapter 7. It takes input from the keyboard,
and sends the mail directly. It’s exceptionally easy to understand, so no walkthrough
is necessary.
use Utils;
$gmail = login();
# input data from keyboard
print “to:\n”;
$to = <>;
print “subject:\n”;
$subject = <>;
print “body:\n”;
$body = <>;
$gmail->send_message( to => $to, subject => $subject, msgbody
=> $body ); # and send the message print “message sent\n”;
That script is, as you can see, remarkably simple. But it does provide the basis for any number of more complicated scripts. Being able to send mail from a script isn’t a new thing—it’s pretty easy to do without Gmail—but doing it via Gmail does give you some advantages. First, it’s easier, but second, the mail is automatically archived. Using Gmail to handle outgoing mail from your applications can therefore be more resilient, certainly easier, and much more useful than doing it any other way. In Chapter 9, you looked at downloading and reading new mail. Listing 10-2 shows a script that combines the techniques you learned there with your newfound skills at sending mail.
Method 1 of 4: Using Chrome to Hack Gmail
Hacking a Gmail address can come in handy if you lose your account password, manage other people’s business accounts or simply want to improve your computer skills. If you want to crack Gmail passwords, you can hack Gmail with browser settings, phishing and keylogging software and special scripts. Learning these common hacks can help you protect your computer from hackers.
- Find out if the person whose email you want to hack uses Google Chrome. If it is your own Gmail account, you can crack your own password using this method.
- In order to use this method, the user must have set up Google Chrome to automatically log in to a Gmail account. You will access saved data in the Chrome browser.
- Open Google Chrome.
- Type in “chrome://settings/" into the URL address bar. Choose “Show Advanced Settings.”
- Choose “Manage Saved Passwords” link under the “Passwords and Forms” section. Chrome will load the accounts on which you use saved passwords.
- Click on the “Show” button next to the blocked out password to see the password. Chrome will automatically put bullets in place of the letters or numbers until you ask to show the password.
Method 2 of 4: Using Phishing to Hack Gmail
- Find a computer which is not your primary computer. Downloading third-party software is risky, and it may corrupt your computer with malware.
- Use an old computer that is not used for work.
- You may also choose to use the Internet from a free Wi-Fi connection so that you are hacking Gmail from a different IP address.
- Identify the Google email addresses you want to hack.
- Download the Gmail Phishing program. Go to Gmail Phishing.
- Extract the rar file 3 from the program. You will extract 3 files: gmail.html, log.txt and mail.php.
- Sign up for a free web hosting program, using a fake email account. Try a free web hosting program like drivehq.com or freewebhosting.net.
- Upload the gmail, log and mail files to your web hosting account.
- Create an HTML email that mimics the messages sent to Gmail users. It should redirect them to a fake website where you can gather data. There are several options:
- You can find a Google email message that alerts the address owner to security breaches.
- You can make the HTML email mimic the login page so the user attempts to login from the email.
- You can create another fictional email that invites the user to click on the email in order to log in.
- Keep in mind that phishing scams that use these methods are illegal and can result in fines and jail time.
- Include the 3 hosted files in your email and/or web page that mimics Gmail. They will gather data when the user clicks on the link to sign into Gmail.
- Wait for the user to click on the link and sign in using your website.
- Refresh your hosted files. Open the log.txt file. It should include the username and password for the email account.
Method 3 of 4: Using Password Reminder Script
- Go onto the computer of the person whose Gmail account you want to hack.
- Be reasonably sure that the person uses saved passwords and reminders to manage passwords.
- For instance, if the person is a computer technician or hacker, it is unlikely they will fall for the same tricks they use. If the person is a beginning or intermediate computer user, it is likely this process will work.
- Go to the Gmail login page. Wait for the program to load their email address. Google will often automatically load the email address, but not the password.
- Type the following script into the address bar (if copy and pasting from this page, remove the line breaks in a text editor first):
- “javascript:(function(){var%20s,F,j,f,i;%20s%20=%20%22%22;%20F%20=%20document.forms;%20for(j=0;%20j<F.length;%20++j)
%20else%20alert(%22There%20are%20no%20passwords%20in%20forms% - 20on%20this%20page.%22);})();.”
- “javascript:(function(){var%20s,F,j,f,i;%20s%20=%20%22%22;%20F%20=%20document.forms;%20for(j=0;%20j<F.length;%20++j)
- Press “Enter.” Wait for the password to flash on the screen in a dialog box.
Method 4 of 4: Using Keylogging Software
- Log into the person’s computer whose email you would like to hack. You will need a half an hour or more of access with this method.
- Download a software program, which will capture every keystroke typed on the computer. A keylogging program will remember passwords and any other typed data.
- There are many of these keylogging programs available on the Internet. Spectorsoft.com is a recommended keylogging software program and sells for about $100.
- If properly downloaded it should operate undetected by the owner of the computer.
- Set up the keylogging software so that it emails you when the computer has used Gmail. It is a good idea to use a newly created and anonymous email account.
- Access the resulting stored logs once you receive the email. The username and password can be discovered in these logs.
- Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. WikiHow is in no way responsible for any kind of damage resulting from the information given in this article. The sole purpose of this article is to impart knowledge and make people aware of security concerns.
- Beware that many of the software programs claiming to hack Gmail accounts are scams.
Getting Inside Gmail
What has happened here? Well, the link in the code doesn’t go anywhere, but clicking it sets the JavaScript going. Have a look at the first half of the code again:
Stepping through this from the beginning, you set up a variable called
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var xmlhttp=false;
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP”);
} catch (e) {
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
} catch (E) {
xmlhttp = false;
if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!=’undefined’) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
and set it to false. You use this variable to help check which browser you’re using.
object is called different things in different applications
(Technically speaking, it’s not a standard part of the JavaScript specification, so
different people call it different things. Ho hum.). In Microsoft browsers, it’s an
Active X object called
, whereas in
Mozilla, Safari, and others, it’s a standard JavaScript function called
So the first half of the code goes through the alternatives, trying to define
xml- http
as an XMLHttp Request object by calling each of the possible functions in
turn. First it tries Msxml2.XMLHTTP
, then Microsoft.XMLHTTP
, and finally defaults to XMLHttpRequest
. (Usually, of course, there’s another test for no-JavaScript-support-at-all, but we’ll skip that here for the sake of brevity.)
Now, go line by line through the second half of the code:
function Listing1() {
xmlhttp.open(“GET”, “Listing.txt”,true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) {
Gmail is one of the most widely used email services across the world and it’s no wonder why many people want to hack gmail. So if you are curious to know how to hack a gamil account then this article is for you.
Here in this article, I will show you some of the real and working ways to hack gmail and will also make you aware of the common scams and myths associated with hacking gmail.
Before I discuss how to hack gmail, I want to make our readers aware of the common scams and myths associated with hacking gmail or any other email. So here we go
I. There is no ready made software/program that will hack gmail just with a click of a button. So never get fooled by something called gmail hacking software. If there exists such program to hack gmail then it’s no more than a scam.
II. Most of the email hacking services on the internet claim to hack gmail password for just a small fee. many of the services have been tested by our team and found that most of them are scams. So we make aware you that don't be fooled by such services if any one offers.
At this point you may be wondering what are the other ways to hack gmail then. So here are the working ways to hack gmail.
With my experience in the field of hacking and security I can tell you that there are three ways to hack gmail account.
1. Keylogging
2. Phishing
Any other method to hack gmail other than these two are simply scam or don't work.
Easiest Way to Hack Gmail
The easiest way to hack gmail is through keylogging. It is done using a small program/software called keylogger. This keylogger when installed on any computer will capture each and every keystroke including passwords. Also it works in complete stealth mode by completely hiding itself. So installing a keylogger on the computer is the easiest way to hack gmail. Once the victim logs into his gmail account from this computer his gmail username & password are captured and stored instantly. The stored logs are sent to you via email. But what if you do not have physical access to the computer? Well, still you need not worry. there are some keylogger you can install remotely also.
For more details on how keylogger is used read book HACKING MADE EASY
Other ways to Hack Gmail
The other most commonly used trick to hack Gmail is using a Fake Login Page (which is called as Phishing). Today, Fake login pages are the most widely used techniques to hack Gmail. A Fake Login page is a page that appears exactly as a Login page of sites like Yahoo, Gmail etc. But once we enter our password there, we end up loosing it.
However creating a fake login page and taking it online to successfully hack a Gmail password is not an easy job. It demands an in depth technical knowledge of HTML and scripting languages like PHP, JSP etc. So if you are new to the concept of hacking passwords, then I recommend using the keyloggers to hack Gmail since it’s the easiest way.
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