Codecanyon - FileGator v.4.1.1 Nulled By Stormix-Blog

 on Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014  

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Advanced Multi-User PHP File Manager & AJAX Uploader

Upload, edit, manage, zip and share files and folders. Multiple user accounts with private folders and permissions.


  • Upload multiple files simultaneously with Ajax and manage them online
  • Drag&Drop files to start upload
  • Copy, move, rename, create, edit or delete online files and folders
  • Create archives with zip or unzip and decompress files online
  • Hierarchical Treeview
  • Search files and folders
  • Preview images in gallery mode
  • Multiple user accounts + guest account
  • User sign up & password recovery
  • Adjustable read/write/upload permissions for each user
  • Admin interface for managing user accounts
  • Home directories for each user or default directory if not specified
  • Choose whether to store users inside mysql database or a single json file
  • Sending file links via email (php mail() or smtp)
  • Google url shortener for email links
  • Very fast and user-friendly interface
  • Translatable interface with a single language file
  • Full source code included, flash free, highly configurable
*Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and earlier does not support multiple file upload, drag&drop uploads and real-time progress bar.


The installation of FileGator is very simple. Copy all files to server, login as admin and add one or more users and you are ready to go. Note that web server must have read/write permissions to config/ and repository/ folders.
If you want to use mysql database to store your users then update configuration.php file and create table with database.sql script.

System Requirements & Compatibility

  • PHP Versions 5.2 or higher + Apache. Consult your server administrator or hosting provider about this.
  • Browsers: Microsoft IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.
  • Operating Systems: Windows or Linux
Note that PHP5 has issues with file system encoding – special characters in filenames and folders may not work correctly on all systems. (e.g. filenames with Russian or Greek letters)

If you’re planning to use this with your sensitive files or data please read notes on security first:

Not so tech savvy? No problem, we have partnered with qualified hosting experts who can do everything for you, including installation and setup. For more info please visit our partners:


Before you post any question please read this extensive FAQ as you may find your answer there.
Most questions has been already answered several times in comments section and I will not answer to duplicate or similar threads.
Please DO NOT post customization questions since you will probably get a generic response. Support doesn’t mean customization and I am not available for freelance. For all customization related questions join this group and post your question there. You may find other users and developers in this group willing to help.
Limited support is ONLY available on fresh installations, with a default configuration options and if all system requirements are met. Support and help is NOT available if you want to use repository folders outside default installation folder or if you changed or customized any original filegator file.


The new version of FileGator v3 includes a single language file and can be easily translated. If you wish to help and translate it to your language you can download a file from here:
Send me your language file and your name will be credited at the top of new translation file.
Currently available languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Persia, Serbian, Romanian, Korean, Finnish

Other Product


NEW: database support for storing user accounts, sign up functionality, password recovery, translations, file search and filter, preview images


Version 4.2.3
- two new config parameters added 'direct_links_baseurl' and 'direct_links_basedir' to support direct links when repository is configured outside the main folder.

No need to update unless you want to configure repository outside the main folder.
Files to update: configuration.php and include/file-gator.php

Version 4.2.2
- IE10 add file double-click bugfix
File /include/blueimp/css/jquery.fileupload-ui.css affected.

Version 4.2.1
- sorting issue fixed when folder contains dots
File /include/file-gator.php affected.

Version 4.2
- improved zip/unzip functionality
File /include/file-gator.php affected.

Version 4.1.2
- bugfix: no download button when links are disabled.
File /include/views/main_filelist.php affected.

Version 4.1.1
- small bug fix when redirecting signups. Only include/file-gator.php file changed

Version 4.1
- important bug reported in v4.0 fixed. Replace only include/file-gator.php file

Version 4.0
- much of the code has been rewritten
- added database support for storing user accounts
- added native sign up functionality and password recovery feature
- export user accounts to csv file

Version 3.0
- translatable interface added with a single language file. to update see this FAQ:

Version 2.7.1
- small info message added to inform the admin if config file is not writable.
* File include/views/admin.php updated.

Version 2.7
- chunks added for downloading large files
- security fix
* to update from v2.6 replace include/file-gator.php file

Version 2.6
- security fix (thanks to bibabu512)
- natural sort added when sorting by name
- bug fixes

Version 2.5
- minor sort tweak, /include/file-gator.php changed

Version 2.4
- users can change their passwords if allowed in config
- better caching of users file

Version 2.3.2 - FIXED: small bug-fix
Version 2.3.1 - FIXED: sort related bug-fix

Version 2.3
- ADDED: filter files by filename
- ADDED: preview images
- FIXED: minor bug-fixes
- CHANGED: documentation updated

Version 2.2
- FIXED: security update for .htaccess file (thanks to ne03)
- FIXED: minor bug-fix
- CHANGED: documentation updated

Version 2.1
- ADDED: option for sending links to email via php mail() or smtp protocol
- ADDED: masking options for main file repository enabling short path in admin area
- FIXED: minor bug-fix
- CHANGED: documentation updated

Version 2.0
- ADDED: admin interface added to administer user accounts, passwords and permissions
- ADDED: config file added filegator/config/config.json
- ADDED: new config option user_config_file
- CHANGED: passwords changed from plain text to MD5 crypted
- FIXED: minor bug-fix - notice on create new folder/file on blank input field
- REMOVED: config option removed: users array;
- REMOVED: config option removed: flush_url_on_chdir (set to never flush)
- MOVED: config options encryption_salt changed and moved to file-gator.php->validateConf()
- MOVED: config option new_dir_mode moved to file-gator.php->validateConf()
- CHANGED: documentation updated

Version 1.1
-FIXED: bug with file names containing multiple spaces fixed
- CHANGED: default config values changed to:
'accept_file_extensions' => array('*'),
'encrypt_filenames' => false,
- FIXED: Minor bug causing PHP Notice fixed
- FIXED: JavaScript fix on treeview
- CHANGED: documentation updated

Version 1.0

Codecanyon - FileGator v.4.1.1 Nulled By Stormix-Blog 4.5 5 Unknown Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014 Download Now   Advanced Multi-User PHP File Manager & AJAX Uploader Upload, edit, manage, zip and share files and folders. Multiple user...

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