New 3D Collection Text Effects
• Package Details
> Item Name: New 3D Collection Text Effects
> Software : Photoshop CS3 or Higher
> Author : ADNAN SAMMI
"New 3D Collection Text Effects". Change the text into 3D. Created with high-quality
professional and very detailed. There is no requirement of skills to transform your design into 3D,
everything works just with smart object.
> 8 Different Styles
> 100% Editable
> Easy To Change
> High Resolution
> 900X300 PX / 300 DPI
> Well Organized Layers
> Smart Object Replacement
> Excellent For All Text
> Very Versatile Suitable For Many Styles
> No Skill Requirement
• Font Used
Please download and install complete font family before opening PSD file.
> http://font2s.com/fonts/50814/vnf_semilla.html
After you downloaded font, please install the font on your windows.
Step 1: Type CTL-A to select all the fonts.
Step 2: Type CTL-C to copy all the selected fonts.
Step 3: Navigate to your Font Directory, and press CTL-V to paste all your fonts into
that folder.
• Smart Object Replacement
Step 1: Open the template file
Step 2: Double click on the smart object thumbnail in your layer palette. This will open the smart object in a new window,
giving you access to its content.
Step 3: Place your art in the smart object. Use free transform (CTRL/CMD + T) to size it as needed. When done, save and close
the smart object file to return to the main template file. You'll see your art adapting the correct perspective,
highlights, and shadows to look as if it was a real, physical incarnation of your project.
If your template contains multiple art layers (a stack of posters for example) don’t worry!
The smart object will take care of that by duplicating your artwork and apply any transformations as needed!
Step 5: (optional): Change the background color of the art support if needed. We included some to get you started,
but depending on how your art is, you probably won't even need them.
Step 6: Save as your result into the file format you need (jpg, png, etc.), send to your client, and land that art approval.
Step 3: Navigate to your Font Directory, and press CTL-V to paste all your fonts into
that folder.
• Smart Object Replacement
Step 1: Open the template file
Step 2: Double click on the smart object thumbnail in your layer palette. This will open the smart object in a new window,
giving you access to its content.
Step 3: Place your art in the smart object. Use free transform (CTRL/CMD + T) to size it as needed. When done, save and close
the smart object file to return to the main template file. You'll see your art adapting the correct perspective,
highlights, and shadows to look as if it was a real, physical incarnation of your project.
If your template contains multiple art layers (a stack of posters for example) don’t worry!
The smart object will take care of that by duplicating your artwork and apply any transformations as needed!
Step 5: (optional): Change the background color of the art support if needed. We included some to get you started,
but depending on how your art is, you probably won't even need them.
Step 6: Save as your result into the file format you need (jpg, png, etc.), send to your client, and land that art approval.
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