AI RoboForm is the top-rated Password Manager asecurely stores online and offline passwords, automatically logs you into online accounts and completes online registration and checkout forms with one click. It’s now easier than ever to login to your favorite websites and applications. RoboForm makes the process effortless by automatically saving, then entering your usernames and passwords. Simply click and login-similar to a browser bookmark! You’ll never need to remember or type another password again. Use our RoboForm Identities feature to securely store your name, address, email, credit cards, and all other personal information. Just click on your RoboForm Identity to fill entire web forms automatically. Save yourself hours of needless typing! Access your RoboForm Logins and Identities on all your computers and devices.
RoboForm runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Windows USB drives. It also has apps for most popular mobile phones including the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. Use our RoboForm Everywhere (Online) service to synchronize and back up your data with our servers, and enjoy secure one-click form access everywhere!
RoboForm2Go works on USB Flash Drives. Plug your flash drive into any computer and enjoy all the benefits of RoboForm. Install this version directly on your flash drive. Store and back up your RoboForm files on your Windows Mobile, Palm, or Symbian device.
RoboForm allows you to:
• Manage your passwords and Log In automatically.
• Fill long registration and checkout forms with one click.
• Encrypt your passwords to achieve complete security.
• Generate random passwords to maximize password strength.
• Back up and Synchronize Passwords between computers.
• Fight Phishing and Defeat Keyloggers.
• AutoSave passwords in browser.
• AutoFill passwords to login form.
• Click Login button for you.
• Fill personal info into online forms.
• Save offline passwords & notes.
• Generate Secure Random Passwords.
• Encrypt passwords and personal data using AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3-DES or 1-DES algorithms.
• All personal info is stored on your computer only.
• Take RoboForm with you on USB disk for ultimate portability.
• Sync your passwords and notes to Palm or Pocket PC.
• Backup & Restore, Print your passwords.
• More features: drill down for more.
• It is well-behaved: NO ADWARE, NO SPYWARE.
• Works under Windows as an add-on to IE-based browsers.
• Works with Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox under Windows.
* Chrome: speed up message processing, when there is a lot of tabs.
* Chrome: avoid message queue overflow when user has a lot of tabs and windows.
* Chrome: fix RF toolbar for Chrome Basic Auth is shown at wrong position on high DPI.
* Chrome: do not ever modify Chrome settings, not even to remove old RF extensions.
* Chrome: make RoboForm extension for RoboForm Full (not Lite) visible in Chrome Web Store.
* Password Generator: increase randomness of generated passwords.
OS: Windows All
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15.4 MB
» AI Roboform Final
RoboForm runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Windows USB drives. It also has apps for most popular mobile phones including the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. Use our RoboForm Everywhere (Online) service to synchronize and back up your data with our servers, and enjoy secure one-click form access everywhere!
RoboForm2Go works on USB Flash Drives. Plug your flash drive into any computer and enjoy all the benefits of RoboForm. Install this version directly on your flash drive. Store and back up your RoboForm files on your Windows Mobile, Palm, or Symbian device.
RoboForm allows you to:
• Manage your passwords and Log In automatically.
• Fill long registration and checkout forms with one click.
• Encrypt your passwords to achieve complete security.
• Generate random passwords to maximize password strength.
• Back up and Synchronize Passwords between computers.
• Fight Phishing and Defeat Keyloggers.
• AutoSave passwords in browser.
• AutoFill passwords to login form.
• Click Login button for you.
• Fill personal info into online forms.
• Save offline passwords & notes.
• Generate Secure Random Passwords.
• Encrypt passwords and personal data using AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3-DES or 1-DES algorithms.
• All personal info is stored on your computer only.
• Take RoboForm with you on USB disk for ultimate portability.
• Sync your passwords and notes to Palm or Pocket PC.
• Backup & Restore, Print your passwords.
• More features: drill down for more.
• It is well-behaved: NO ADWARE, NO SPYWARE.
• Works under Windows as an add-on to IE-based browsers.
• Works with Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox under Windows.
* Chrome: speed up message processing, when there is a lot of tabs.
* Chrome: avoid message queue overflow when user has a lot of tabs and windows.
* Chrome: fix RF toolbar for Chrome Basic Auth is shown at wrong position on high DPI.
* Chrome: do not ever modify Chrome settings, not even to remove old RF extensions.
* Chrome: make RoboForm extension for RoboForm Full (not Lite) visible in Chrome Web Store.
* Password Generator: increase randomness of generated passwords.
OS: Windows All
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15.4 MB
» AI Roboform Final
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