Enjoy watching videos and music in nearly all available formats, as well as YouTube clips directly from the main window of this intuitive application.
OS: Windows All
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- Audio track switching. You can choose the audio track you want to listen.
- Seeking by mouse wheel. You can use your mouse wheel to go forward or backward in the video.
- Video equalizer, allows you to adjust the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation and gamma of the video image.
- Multiple speed playback. You can play at 2X, 4X... and even in slow motion.
- Filters. Several filters are available: deinterlace, postprocessing, denoise... and even a karaoke filter (voice removal).
- Audio and subtitles delay adjustment. Allows you to sync audio and subtitles.
- Advanced options, such as selecting a demuxer or video & audio codecs.
- Playlist. Allows you to enqueue several files to be played one after each other. Auto-repeat and shuffle supported too.
- Preferences dialog. You can easily configure every option of SMPlayer by using a nice preferences dialog.
- Possibility to search automatically for subtitles on the Internet
- Translations: currently SMPlayer is translated into more than 20 languages, including Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese.
- Cross-platform.
- Fix for Youtube.
- New option to shut down the computer when playback has finished.
- The themes and skin icons are loaded from resource files (*.rcc).
- New fix for searching subtitles from opensubtitles.org that should return more results.
OS: Windows All
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