Kmeaw Custom PS3 Firmware 3.55 ALL FILES INCLUDED free full download Playstation 3 hack

 on Kamis, 20 Januari 2011  


This custom firmware is based on the combined works of geohot, waninkoko, flukes1, wutangrza, and several others. Individuals, such as wutangrza, have stated this is the CFW of choice, and the PS3 mod scene should focus on using this one as the primary CFW. Given the features and ease-of-installation, it is definitely the best one.

The important feature shared with other CFWs is the inclusion of peek/poke functionality - what is DIFFERENT, is the ability to run unsigned homebrew, the first 3.55 CFW of its kind.


Original Firmware 3.55 (located in "/OFW/")
Custom Firmware 3.55 ready-to-install (located in "/CFW/")
LV2.pkg, the pkg that MUST BE INSTALLED to patch RAM to allow lv2 syscalls required by backup managers (located in "/pkg/")
MultiMan v1.12.05 for 3.55 (located in "/pkg/")


*This section is about how to install the custom firmware. Once it is installed, you can follow the steps below ('Preparing your backup manager') to play backups on your PS3.

1. Check your PS3's version number. If you have ANY version below 3.55, go to step 2.
1b. If you already have 3.55, continue to step 3.

2. You can use the included update file to get your PS3 to system version 3.55. To do so:
-Access the folder "OFW".
-Copy the subfolder "PS3" (which contains subfolder "UPDATE" with the file "PS3UPDAT.PUP") onto the root of your USB drive.
-Double check by opening your USB drive through My Computer and you should immediately see a folder titled "PS3" with appropriate subfolders if you copied it correctly.
-Insert the USB drive into the PS3, go to Settings, then System Update, and choose Via Storage Media. It should automatically load the update from your USB drive. Follow the steps and complete the installation.
-Once complete, remove the USB drive and put it back in the PC.

3. Now we will install the custom firmware!
-Delete the folder "PS3" on the root of your USB drive.
-In this download, open the folder titled "CFW" and copy the "PS3" folder to the root of your USB drive.
-Repeat the steps from Step 2 to ensure the files copied over correctly.
-Insert the USB drive into the PS3, go to Settings, then System Update, and choose Via Storage Media. It should automatically load the update from your USB drive. Follow the steps and complete the installation.
-Once complete, congratulations! You're on Kmeaw's CFW 3.55 and have peek/poke access and can install unsigned pkgs.


*If you do not plan on playing backups (ripped copies of PS3 games, played from either the internal hard drive or external drives) then this step is not necessary.*

1.Installing PKGs.
-In this download, open the folder "pkg" and copy "lv2.pkg" and "multiMAN.pkg" to the root of your USB drive.
-Plug the USB drive into your PS3, go to the "Game" tab on the XMB, and execute "Install Package Files". This will automatically scan your USB drive and show the packages that can be installed. **IF YOU'RE SURE THE FILES ARE ON THE ROOT OF THE USB, BUT THEY FAIL TO APPEAR ON YOUR PS3, TRY A DIFFERENT USB SLOT AND RE-EXECUTE 'INSTALL PACKAGE FILES'**
-Install both packages, order does NOT matter.
-Once you've installed both, continue to step 2.

2.You need to run the app "lv2 patcher" now found under the "Game" tab. This must be done BEFORE you run your backup manager, otherwise your backups will NOT load. Once you run the lv2 patcher, you only need to repeat this step IF THE PS3 IS REBOOTED. As long as the PS3 is not powered down (going in and out of games is fine, but shutting down the system is not) you do not need to run the lv2 patcher again! **IF YOU DO RUN IT AGAIN, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. IT IS PERFECTLY SAFE, BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO WASTE YOUR TIME**


You're done!! Your PS3 is not only ready to play homebrew, but also your backups, and can even access PSN!! (Well, until Sony updates 3.55 to something else...)

Have fun!

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Kmeaw Custom PS3 Firmware 3.55 ALL FILES INCLUDED free full download Playstation 3 hack 4.5 5 Unknown Kamis, 20 Januari 2011 --NOTES ON THIS CUSTOM FIRMWARE-- This custom firmware is based on the combined works of geohot, waninkoko, flukes1, wutangrza, and several ...

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