V2.06 (3.55 CFW only)
* Change HV_SIZE size to ~3.4MB, it should make no crash anymore Gaia Manager on startup...
* Fix 8001003D and 8001003E errors (such as in Fifa 11)
This requires you to have a Blu-ray Disk in the drive at all times!
* Implemented syscall36
* User defined options.ini (options_default.ini) to set various options
* Copy/backup progress bar
* Support and display for 7 devices (HDD/USB/BD/SDHC/MS/CF)
* Support for REMOTE PLAY via PSP or other compatible peripherals
* Animated icons and backgrounds
* Update check/download feature with [R3] button
* Support for COVER.PNG in AVCHD video folders
* Support for AVCHD activation from external USB devices
* Support for backup of AVCHD to internal HDD
* Support for playback of AVCHD and Blu-ray content from internal HDD
* Overscan support for DLP and CRT TV sets
* MP3/AC3 playback (play songs using the File manager from local and network locations)
* JPEG/PNG picture viewer (browse/view pictures using the File manager from local and network locations)
* HEX file viewer
* Support for at least 4 freetype fonts (user can change using [SELECT]+[R3] in game display modes)
Change Logs:
* Implemented stable syscall36 function (thanks to they know who)
* Fixed file manager default character mode
* Fixed network icon/text when no network is available
* More user friendly messages when problem appears
* New update/cover server (thanks to shaj)
* Option to download updates without USB stick
* New 'options.ini' format (thanks to SiGMAniac)
* [Last Game] updated (separate application)
* A lot of other stability fixes
* Copy/backup speed increased (about 10% speed gain)
* On-screen-keyboard supports all languages (latin, cyrillic symbols + JP/CN glyphs)
* Experimenatal web browser in FILE MANAGER (network icon)
* multiMAN will save some display options on exit and restore upon launch
* New options in the ini (clear_activity_logs / load_custom_payload)
* Default "load_custom_payload=0" to avoid lockups with FW 3.55
* Important fixes, interface improvements and dialog additions
* Fixed support for CFW 3.55 (KMW/WTG/WNK/GH) and latest PL3 (kmeaw)
* [Last Game] application fixed to support CFW 3.55 (separate download)
* Other important fixes
* Added support for CFW 3.55KMW and latest PL3 (kmeaw)
* Added check for proper access permissions
* [FW 3.55]: [R1] resets access permissions for selected game
* [Last Game] application updated (separate download)
* [ps3serv] PC application updated (separate download)
* Other fixes and improvements
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