Google is the search engine predominantly used by most of us for launching any kind of search in the internet. In spite of Google’s popularity there are plenty very handy Google tricks, which many of us are unfamiliar with. Here are ten quite useful Google tricks which you will find yourself using frequently once you have gone through the rest of this article.
If you want to know the definition of a word, you just have to type ‘define’ followed by the word you want the definition for. For instance, define bravura will display the definition of the word.
Local search
Google Local is the link you would like to visit if you want to search a place. For example, if you visit the aforementioned link and type restaurant, you will get the array of all local restaurants.
Phone number lookup
Type the full phone number with area code and what you will get is the name and address associated with that number.
Find weather and movies
Want to know the weather or movies at a particular location? Type ‘weather’ or ‘movies’ followed by zip code or city and state, and bingo, you have the weather conditions and movie theaters in your area. For example, typing weather 70042 will display you the weather condition and forecast of Carlisle, Louisiana.
Track airline flight and packages
Track your flight status and it’s arrival time by typing the airline name and flight number. Typing delta 123 will yield you all available information about the flight.
Further, Google makes package tracking quite simpler by providing you with a direct link to the information you want. If you enter UPS, FedEx or USPS followed by the tracking number, you will get all details about the package.
Google Language Tools is one of Google’s very interesting features which helps you in translation of texts.
Pages linked to you
You can also find out the other web pages linking to your website by typing ‘link’: followed by your URL. For example, typing link: displays all pages linking to Computer Hope.
Find PDF results only
You can add ‘fileType:’ to your search to narrow your search down to match certain file type. For example, to display only PDF search results, you can type: “dell xps” fileType:pdf.
Your Google search engine is a friend with versatile talent. If you want a quick math to be done, you can use Google to work as a calculator for you. For example, typing: 200 + 300will display result as 500.
Get all details of a stock quote price, chart, market analysts’ remarks on its prospects etc. by just typing the stock symbol in Google.
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