Some ways by which your account can get Hacked and Protection

 on Senin, 10 Maret 2014  

There are Many Ways of hacking an E-mail Account. Hackers can use any of these Steps to hack your Account. To Prevent your Account from being Hacked, Read this Article and Implement the Steps Given in this Article. In this Article we will Show you how to protect your Account from Hackers and Some Corporate Loss Faced by Different Companies due to hacking.
How to prevent Facebook Account from hacking

Methods to hack Account

In this Section we will Discuss about Each Method and how to Protect your Account from these Methods.
So Here we Start :- 

Dictionary Attack

In this Attack, the Hacker uses the words in a Dictionary to get your Password. To Protect your Account from this hack. Don't use a Password which can Easily be find in a Dictionary instead use a Tough Password which Cannot be Guessed and Found in a Dictionary.


What is Phishing
In this, the Hacker Sends you an URL of a Page and Asks you to Login on a Page by giving some Fake Rumour like 'Sign in there, there are many Games, Songs etc.". This trick is Phishing. To Protect your Account from this Trick, don't login on any un trusted Page. Before logging in to Facebook. First Check the Address Bar. If there is something other than "" don't login.

Brute Force Attack

In this Attack, the Hacker doesn't decrypt any Information about your account. They try different possible combinations of Words, Numbers and letters. It takes a very Long time to Complete. To Prevent from this Attack, You can use Strong password which cannot be found in the Dictionary. There are Different letters in the password like Lower case, upper case, numbers and Much more.


In this the Hacker sends a Software, When you Open that software, All keystrokes on your Computer will be Tracked and Sent to the hacker. This is very Common and Easy way to Hack a Facebook Account. To prevent your Account from being Hacked by this Method don't use any Software saying that "Facebook ID Hacker". All these Software are Scams and Tracks your Information and Send it to the Hacker. Also use Anti keylogger on your PC to prevent from hacking

Corporate Loss faced due to Hacking

  • Sony                   -  $ 171 million
  • Citigroup            -  $ 2.7 million
  • Stratfor               -  $ 2 million 
  • AT&T                 -  $ 2 million
I hope you liked this Article and this Article helped a lot
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Some ways by which your account can get Hacked and Protection 4.5 5 Unknown Senin, 10 Maret 2014 There are Many Ways of hacking an E-mail Account. Hackers can use any of these Steps to hack your Account. To Prevent your Account from bei...

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